Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
You shouldn't really make a guide until you have an in depth understanding of the champion.

- your masteries are weird. How so?

- would not build mercurial scimitar on Hecarim. Only against an enemy team with high CC.

- it might be advantageous to have mobility boots during laning phase for max gank powa.
The extra speed from boots of swiff helps me get out from under towers faster.

- cover alternate routes based on the enemy, on Hecarim I believe it's possible to start wraiths and go to the enemy blue if they are starting red.
Forgot :/ (first guide and all)

- I don't know about tower diving from the enemy jungle at low levels, most good players wont constantly push lane to enable this sort of aggressiveness. Don't forget lane ganks, you can sneak in easily and it's a shorter distance to the enemy champ.
Hecarim is so fast he can run through the enemy jungle and back around and push them out from under their tower, and they wouldnt be expecting it. Plus I build Hecarim as a tank, so I can take 1 or 2 shots from a tower, I usually get giants belt and boots of swif REALLY early.

-Why not get Captain Boots, since you're always the one initiating.
Good Idea.

-Frozen Heart can be pretty powerful considering the Attack Speed slow Aura and the cray cdr.
I usually have someone else build it.

-What about alternate starts? Isn't it possible to go machete 3 pots + ward.
Probably, but you wouldnt be able to do much jungling before ganking, and you would have to get E second if you were going to gank.

-Why not Mercs and Ninja Tabi?
I personally dont want to give up movement speed for these items, I get spirit of the ancient golem for tenacity, and randuins and spirit visage give enough resists already.

-Banshee's Veil? Locket of the Iron Solari? Shurelya's Reverie?
I used to build shurelyas alot on Hecarim, you could probably get it for the extra jolt of speed, but you don't need it.

-If you don't want to gank early can you go QWQEQR?
You could, but my guide IS for ganking early.

-Should add notes to Champion matchups (clear time, where they will be at what time, where they start, how much hp they will have etc.)
I explained in the guide and on the forums why I have none ):
-Quantify the Green, Yellow and Red labels pls, why is this match up red? etc.
-Why not get golems?
They take too long early on, do too much damage, and your adc needs them if they push.
-Do you Counter Jungle, when?
I explained this in matchups. (I explained why I have none)

-What do you do if you have nowhere to gank.
Farm or go for objectives, I usually check if the enemy blue is up, and if the catch me doing it I E away.

-What are some things to look for when ganking as Hecarim?
I should add this^ Right now.

-When do you use which pots, how many pots left at the end of the clear?
Well It could be left to the player to decide that, I chug my pots down immediately so I have enough hp for ganks when I finish.

-Overview for Hecarim? Strengths, Weaknesses, Champions he ganks well for? Who can he fight if they were to invade?

-Advice in relation to objectives? When can Hecarim kill Dragon? What are the ward placements you should be wary of as hecarim?

-There are probably other things but that's all I could think of.

I appreciate the help you are trying to give me with my guide.
This guide isn't about making a masterpiece, and Im probably going to be editing it alot. Im just trying to make a guide for some fun.

You're embarrasing me o:
Last edited by m0nk3y8; Mar 19, 2013 at 12:25 PM.
The Curious Whomba, Intruding Your Privacy.
I feel like SoEL gives Hecarim all the damage he needs. Get a big health item afterwards into a spirit visage and frozen heart and you're set for destruction.

Also, pony strong but I feel like bear is stronger.
Last edited by j4nd0; Mar 19, 2013 at 01:50 PM.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
Originally Posted by ChuckNinja View Post
Why didnt you call it jando unchained.

I'm sad now

That's gonna be my montage to gold title.

Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
Never gonna hapa

I've gotten gold before, I can do it again.

Heck, I'm gonna get gold before you get your new gpu.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
Originally Posted by j4nd0 View Post
I've gotten gold before, I can do it again.

Heck, I'm gonna get gold before you get your new gpu.

Bet you $20 of riot points.
Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
Bet you $20 of riot points.

You're on!
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
I was playing tristana before she was cool, always thought she was really strong. Now since the botrk was introduced everyone wants a piece of her yordle ass. I GOT THERE FIRST YOU SAVAGES. :<

My favourite adc at the moment is sivir, she feels really strong throughout the game. If you're playing aggressively, her level 2 burst is just brutal, especially when paired with some sort of cc to ensure the skillshot hits both times. Autoattack -> W resets auto attack -> boomerang blade -> spam laugh as the enemy adc has taken 250-300 damage. Her ult is really useful too, giving everyone nearby a bloodboil (and you a super bloodboil) at a time where a team consisting entirely of ad characters is not out of question. And Spellshield because fuck you taric/leona/blitzcrank/lux/fucking everyone except for thresh.
Last edited by Dr_Strangelove; Mar 20, 2013 at 09:29 PM.
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg