Sorry had no internet last night and today, i got punished >:U

Nyann hope you get over what ever happened :v

Awww box sad to see you go, Good luck with your new clan.

Demon is making a video for me and him <3
Last edited by Ninjacam; Jan 9, 2013 at 11:07 AM.
Box. Of course you are accepted here.
It is sad that you left but if you feel that Silver fits you better its the best for everyone.

Good luck.

I hope you get better soon Nyann.

Still haven't heard anything from my set maker...
I think i'll just cancel that and request or buy some other one.

The DSC need's to be updated alot.

Also why we no have our Main banner matching the rest
Update the banner :3

I'm gonna go to bed, so tired. I trying to do backflip 360, hurt my neck just a tad
Awww, don't hurt yourself

Nyann, feel better

Demon, I believe you did do 2 of the same replays. You did it at the very end, like the last1 or something. It was a spar. It ended with a punch to the head, but not a full direct hit.

I also need to do xspar with someone. Inferno and I did some spars, but they are at different maps. I need to find someone to spar. It will prob be within these names. Mj, Soap, Ninja, Rexoa, D3, Inferno, Fatul, or someone else I know that I forgot to name XD

EDIT: That is a cool banner
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
While all the concern is flattering. It's nothing major, I could just be there for a few hours or a few days. Just letting people know just in case. That's all.

Zapekk, I know the feel, waiting on rough versions of sets to see if set maker is ok. :/
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech

Hey all.

Nyann. I already cancelled that request because didn't really liked his style.
Head was way too blurry.

I think that if i can't get some known set maker to make me a set, i'll just find
something that fits me and buy that.

Anyway going to play some DayZ now.
Might be ingame later.

I was requesting a set, but canceled it. My plan is too save up then get a really good set. I got about 18k tc now. Maybe at like 20 or 30k I'll request a set.

Ave, I saw the request thread you made with that head. That looked amazing, but I didn't see it ingame yet

I'll be on later. Depends if I go to my brothers concert as for how long I am on

EDIT: I am not getting a set, I am requesting a head. Well, I PMed someone who makes good heads. It is the peraon who made Ave's, but I won't ask for a cat like Ave has, but not sure what animal. Maybe a bunny :3

EDIT 2: Ok, i need help XD. I like the head I have now, but the one Ave have is SUPER COOL. I am thinking of getting another one. What do you all think? And also, a cute animal that isn't a cat, since Ave got a cat
Last edited by Nijia; Jan 9, 2013 at 11:04 PM.
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Well I started uploading a Blops 2 gameplay on "SoftestCracker", but apparently I had a bad file name and it told me that AFTER I had already gone to school expecting it to finish uploading while I was gone.

So I'll probably be uploading that tonight while I'm sleeping. I'll probably advertise it here, Facebook, and maybe Twitter.

Also, I have a guy making a background for me, but he seems to not know what he is doing. I ended up going from asking for a custom background to finding a template for him, to finding a font, to finding a template WITH a font on is already. If he asks for more than 10k I'm going to shit myself.

Nijia: I would spar you, but I hardly get ingame, and when I do, you're either sparring someone else, or you're not on. =P

Nyann: What happened? I must have missed the post... Hope you don't have to spend the night in the ER. I know that sucks :l

Ninja: If it matched the other banners, it would look weird due to the size of the banners. I think the big banner goes well with the other ones.
I am going to be a good person and go to my brothers concert. 1, he said it would be cool. It is vocal jazz and stuff. 2, we would complain and get annoting if I don't go to it. But it isn't like some little dumb thing, my brother is very serious about music.

Soap, I know I never get to spar with you XD

I am also not sure about getting a new head... I like mine a lot, but the ones the guy makes are REALLY cool...
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Originally Posted by Ninjacam View Post
The DSC need's to be updated alot.

Also why we no have our Main banner matching the rest
Update the banner :3

I'm gonna go to bed, so tired. I trying to do backflip 360, hurt my neck just a tad

What are you talking about, the banners have been changed? :3

Originally Posted by Nijia View Post
Awww, don't hurt yourself

Nyann, feel better

Demon, I believe you did do 2 of the same replays. You did it at the very end, like the last1 or something. It was a spar. It ended with a punch to the head, but not a full direct hit.

I also need to do xspar with someone. Inferno and I did some spars, but they are at different maps. I need to find someone to spar. It will prob be within these names. Mj, Soap, Ninja, Rexoa, D3, Inferno, Fatul, or someone else I know that I forgot to name XD

EDIT: That is a cool banner

If you can find me online, then we can do Xspar.tbm. Nobody ever wants to do a legit spar anymore, I miss doing the run into a meeting at the middle.

Originally Posted by Nyann View Post
While all the concern is flattering. It's nothing major, I could just be there for a few hours or a few days. Just letting people know just in case. That's all.

Zapekk, I know the feel, waiting on rough versions of sets to see if set maker is ok. :/

That's good to hear.

Originally Posted by Nijia View Post
I was requesting a set, but canceled it. My plan is too save up then get a really good set. I got about 18k tc now. Maybe at like 20 or 30k I'll request a set.

Ave, I saw the request thread you made with that head. That looked amazing, but I didn't see it ingame yet

I'll be on later. Depends if I go to my brothers concert as for how long I am on

EDIT: I am not getting a set, I am requesting a head. Well, I PMed someone who makes good heads. It is the peraon who made Ave's, but I won't ask for a cat like Ave has, but not sure what animal. Maybe a bunny :3

EDIT 2: Ok, i need help XD. I like the head I have now, but the one Ave have is SUPER COOL. I am thinking of getting another one. What do you all think? And also, a cute animal that isn't a cat, since Ave got a cat

Why not pay the person who did Ave's head to touch up your head and add some more detail?

Originally Posted by Soap View Post
Well I started uploading a Blops 2 gameplay on "SoftestCracker", but apparently I had a bad file name and it told me that AFTER I had already gone to school expecting it to finish uploading while I was gone.

So I'll probably be uploading that tonight while I'm sleeping. I'll probably advertise it here, Facebook, and maybe Twitter.

Also, I have a guy making a background for me, but he seems to not know what he is doing. I ended up going from asking for a custom background to finding a template for him, to finding a font, to finding a template WITH a font on is already. If he asks for more than 10k I'm going to shit myself.

Nijia: I would spar you, but I hardly get ingame, and when I do, you're either sparring someone else, or you're not on. =P

Nyann: What happened? I must have missed the post... Hope you don't have to spend the night in the ER. I know that sucks :l

Ninja: If it matched the other banners, it would look weird due to the size of the banners. I think the big banner goes well with the other ones.

The big banner looked somewhat wierd with the smaller dividers, to be honest, the only reason I left the main was up was because I didn't see the main banner that Kamura made. Tis' all good now.

Ave let me use a set he had. \o\ /dl InfernoXZ /lp 1 InfernoXZ
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