Originally Posted by Moltov View Post
I am back.
And I know you all missed me.


No. Go 'way Danny. no lubs here for you
I joke, much lubs here for you <3
Originally Posted by Meeska View Post
15 dollars = expensive


Who in the shitfuck are you?
Not sure who you are, but I think, IDK D:?
Anyway, 15$ expensive, hmm

That kinda depends on where you live I guess.
Around where I live 15$= around, hm, 240
Or 15$= 1567 yen
But at the same time, 15$= 11.01 Euros
So hm I wonder really o -o
Who in fucks name is a Meeska?
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

Originally Posted by Vog View Post
in my country $15 is um idk
15x12000 =180000 uh... i hate math D:

there.. it's quite small for me
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
i think i know who is this meeska is...
i think he Dupbuck
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Hm that was my first thought too Tricey.
I'm not sure why exactly but a fellow named Rawwrh or somefin has the exact same Profile pic, not sure what it means but yeah. Cheerios.
And which country is that, Vog O_O
I post to post, Nothing more to it. Like me or don't. Love me or hate me. I will always be here!