Originally Posted by Przero View Post
hybrid yi solo bot lane all day babes.

He don't solo bot lane. Enemy Support's Heavy CC shut his heal ability down.

Or He's trolling?
In 2016, I'm no longer a member of toribash forum. The ex-administration (who's permbanned now) used to power abuse and opposed to me, and we are unable to reach a compromise. I am morally prohibited from staying here. I might still posting around on my friend or clan threads sometimes but not much. Goodbye.
Originally Posted by Chris View Post
He don't solo bot lane. Enemy Support's Heavy CC shut his heal ability down.

Or He's trolling?

Actually, it was me once, i got forced into solo-bot yi (when i wanted to go mid yi btw) so i ent hybrid against ashe leona... yeah i got fed...

Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post

cause blind pick games op when you call then lock in, then two other guys rage over mid... then they both pick mids... and the team had no jungler... we did lose that game but i did well... hydra + guinsoo's + gunblade + other stuff = op yi
I'm starting to really like creepy bird man Swain again. I'm still a piece of shit when it comes to last hitting, but for some odd reason I've been on a roll with it whenever I play him. Plus people seem to have some difficultly fighting against him, prob cause nobody plays him anymore.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
I'm starting to really like creepy bird man Swain again. I'm still a piece of shit when it comes to last hitting, but for some odd reason I've been on a roll with it whenever I play him. Plus people seem to have some difficultly fighting against him, prob cause nobody plays him anymore.

And he becomes unkillable at level 6, which is bad for most of the mid laners, because they get their full potentional at level 6
Last edited by Chuck; Mar 15, 2013 at 03:29 PM.
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
I'm starting to really like creepy bird man Swain again. I'm still a piece of shit when it comes to last hitting, but for some odd reason I've been on a roll with it whenever I play him. Plus people seem to have some difficultly fighting against him, prob cause nobody plays him anymore.

Had the most beast Swain in one of my latest ranked games carry me. Was insane how well he played Swain.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
For any of you who don't know as of yet, the new champion "Zac" was revealed. We share the same name! ;)

He looks really cool, looking forward to abusing his hp regen mechanic. His ult deals knock-up similar to Malphite if I read correctly, which means that he could be a common ban once he's implemented into the game.
Originally Posted by Faint View Post
For any of you who don't know as of yet, the new champion "Zac" was revealed. We share the same name! ;)

He looks really cool, looking forward to abusing his hp regen mechanic. His ult deals knock-up similar to Malphite if I read correctly, which means that he could be a common ban once he's implemented into the game.

I really like the oldschool feel of that champ.

(except his passive which is a new mechanic)
Originally Posted by ChuckNinja View Post
And he becomes unkillable at level 6, which is bad for most of the mid laners, because they get their full potentional at level 6

Unless it's a Syndra Lvl 6 + Gank

Syndra's ult op as heck