Boxxy-poo I'm sorry I didn't add you in the video, I've been tired and I was editing it tonight, if you'd like I could add your clip in and then re-post it, but that'd have to be done tomorrow.
DemoniaProduction's advice of the day: Zero is not a tech expert, don't trust his advice.
Hey guys. Just came from school.

Nice Vid demon. I really liked that first song and how ti fitted so well with replays.
Second song wasn't so good in my opinion.

Your vid still misses something.
Called Zapekk i think.

Anyway nice vid.
Last edited by Zapekk; Jan 8, 2013 at 04:00 PM.


I'm not going to be ingame today...
Just came from school and my stupid
father started to screaming at me with no reason :c

It's a miracle if i can be on forum now :>

And how are you guys? I hope better than me. :>
Things seem to be going my way for once. I got my debt for the sschool taken care of. I can go to college this semester and maybe ill get my PC back sooner. Idk yet

Right now im at the psychiatrist and the lobby music is Katy parry. Help. Me.
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>
Pretty good, bought a head texture I can make an easy 250tc off of. Just got a bumpmap head texture for 2.5k, and thinking of how I'm gonna use it.

Overall, I'm doing fine.

@Box: Use at least some form of grammar instead of "y u no".


@Ave: Use the pens on the desk to commit suicide to escape bad music.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
It is nice to see things getting better Ave.
Anyway i think its better to just put those pencils in your ears more than
making a suicide with those.

Anyway. Had a funny way to get in like a clan in DayZ...

Dat story

Hey guys. I just got my capture card so now I can record my 360. Gonna start posting videos soon on my alternate YT channel.

Nice video Demon. I think the fact that I was in it cleaned it up a bit. ;)

I'll probably going ingame later today.

In other news, my Xbox has been freezing up completely lately. And the only way to use it at all once it freezes is to restart it, and then it usually freezes again.
I'm gonna buy a new one tomorrow and sell this one to my dad so he can use it for Netflix (It only freezes when I play a game :l)
Well, MrBoxMan joined [Silver]. He's been hanging around with Orko, and I guess he decided that Silver was better for him. Best of luck with that, box. Ranks will be revised in the near future, if you think your rank should be re-evaluated, feel free to shoot me a PM and I'll talk it over with Ave and Nyann.

In other News!: I got a new set, /dl and /lp InfernoXZ. Also, I need new trails if anyone knows anyone that does solid work, and/or If they can do a bumpmap texture as well.
Plus, just got a vamp force for 2k. Dat deal.

Added the replays that nijia mentions in the next post. Name Nijia Spar done.
Also, the parkour messups we did before we had to go. DB IXZ is the spar I did with DemonBurn.
Attached Files
Nijia Spar done.rpl (702.9 KB, 3 views)
DB IXZ.rpl (826.2 KB, 3 views)
Nijia parkour messup.rpl (137.6 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by InfernoXZ; Jan 9, 2013 at 12:19 AM.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
How did you get that deal?

Also, Inferno and I just did another spar. I am on Ipad so I can't upload it but he might edit it so Inferno might post it. My begin move was actually a glitch, cause before we started, there was aikido, and it glitched but I made it work :3. He might of killed me with his hit XD, but I got a nice kick to the back of his head to make up :3

Demon, that video was very good. But I didn't enjoy the slow music, I liked it a lot. The replays were very cool too. I knew a few people in it too :3. Maybe if I get better, I'll be in the next one
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆