Orko is my new lover.
I think my life is complete.
Be jelly, Orko is the god of sex.
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D3_Orko_SEXYTIME.rpl (547.4 KB, 10 views)
Just got word, that my internet is most likely going to be cut at home, unless I can pay for it myself.
I'll probably be MUCH less active now until I get it back.
Originally Posted by MrBoXMan View Post
Hah, I'm going to quit Tb forever.

Just lost A 256 head and 7k dueling today.
and I'm not going to play tb now.
And if anyone would buy my 128 without head texture and groin texture, it is

Pfft, Stop complaining. I lost 32k in duels yesterday, but that doesn't mean I'm taking it lying down. [Drugged] Is paying me 10k to make their DSC for them w/ banners. So, might be able to recoup my losses.

Originally Posted by MrBoXMan View Post
I did 1k duels yesterday, but I got big headed and dueled tay 35k and lost all my tc in two
duels, but I also lost tc from an afk penalty today.

So I guess this means I can't win back that ~2k you won off me?

Originally Posted by MrBoXMan View Post
No I got a minihawk for 1.4k and I lost it in a duel.
I still must ask if I'm in demons video

Is that the one that I beat you for? 1.4k? Well, that was a great deal. :L

Originally Posted by Nijia View Post
Now I am in a sparring mood. But I felt like trying one by my self. I know that isn't spar, but I was just working on this mod I like. It isn't the best, but I'm a beginning. Also, I was too lazy and didn't wanna do a pose, so XD
Also, just sold the minihawk to Alexsin for 6k :3. Dat 1.5k profit. Also ave, I could of prob put minihawk in market for 7k, but I don't feel like waiting XD. I am happy with that profit

We should spar again soon, Might look better if we didn't get stuck in a house with holes in it! Also, congrats on the profit. Not bad for a couple clicks.

Originally Posted by bbush View Post
Just got word, that my internet is most likely going to be cut at home, unless I can pay for it myself.
I'll probably be MUCH less active now until I get it back.

Thanks for telling us, but do you know how long it might be?
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Originally Posted by InfernoXZ
Thanks for telling us, but do you know how long it might be?

I don't even parents are trying to find a more affordable internet provider, and unless we do, it's uncertain at this point.
Anyone know any cheap internet providers? (I need it!)
Everyone go here and buy these head's they are taking for ever to sell :<

I need full 128 w/o head, i'm making a set and so far i've finished: Head, leg's, thigh's, Tricep's, Bicep's.

But i don't even have texture's :<
Hey guys.

Box. It is not an end of the world if you lose some money.
After i've got my set ready i pretty much thought about dueling like 10k-30k duels to get some money. Or lose everything.

Anyway after that i pretty much have everything i want.

Or well not all i want but i couldn't get money on what i want without dueling because
marketing isn't really my job.
In somethings it is but still not my thing.

Ninja. Those won't sell because they are overpriced.

You should more likely drop the starting price to 1k.

That is good that you inform us that you might have some inactivity.
As you said that you won't be put in inactive or if put not kicked as normally.

For anyone else too please inform if you are going to be inactive.

I've watched so much one youtuber in last two days.
He plays DayZ and he's style of playing it is just awesome.


Anyway. I will be going to school in a moment but lets see ingame later today.

I'm not going to be I'm school today,
I'm still sick so more skype with orko, yaaaay

Ave I realy do miss our skype chats, I'm not the only.
I speak for everyone when I say, hurry up you fat fush woman :3
That was love btw :v <3

(I was typing from my phone)

Guys the Flow of Creation 3 is out :3 Tell me how you like it pllllleeeaasseee :3 Has a special appearance by the one and only InfernoXZ. I'll post it down here ---V

DemoniaProduction's advice of the day: Zero is not a tech expert, don't trust his advice.
That was pretty good. The music was nice, and I actually enjoyed listening to it. The Syncing with the video was decent. The sped-up replays looked amazing, and the parkour ones were just awesome. Our replay looks pretty funny sped up, but I liked the transition from 2 views to one.

Overall, it was a 8.5-9/10. Keep up the good work.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Yea i'll lower the price's

Yay <3 Find me and fatul, i look like rexxy but only with a head, lol.

I think i'm going to lose about 40k if the gm's arent gonna reply ti my scam report.