Originally Posted by DonutFatal View Post
Sorry, I only read the first 3 sentences so don't judge me.

There is the Pangea theory that says all continents were all one. I believe in this theory also, and It also HELPS this theory. Say back then the Polar bears, which are basicly just bears. Didnt have the fur they did now. When the continents broke apart they were stuck in Antarctica. Due to this they EVOLVED into having much more thinker fur and skin.

Get what i'm saying?

There's also fossel proof that shows Apes or if you prefer, Nomads having very similar bone structure to ours. As of more older bone structures too that seam to show signs of evolving into our earliest ancestors, Homosapiens.
Edit: Ok I read it, I see your logic. But this reason is is that us Humans have yet not lived in the arctic for so long and or extreme climatic areas to have been able to evolve into living at such a thing. But remember we're forgetting about the people who live in the far far north and south for their life! They manage to survive AND live for their life there. Isnt that some proof of evolution and how some of our species has evolved into living in such conditions. Evolution doesnt mean we all evolve at the same time.

Yes, we do not evolve at the same time. But taking your example, "But remember we're forgetting about the people who live in the far far north and south for their life! They manage to survive AND live for their life there. Isnt that some proof of evolution and how some of our species has evolved into living in such conditions." there is no physical change that suits the people to their climate. Yes, humans can grow their hair longer because of colder climates, but any human can do that. I had never said we do not evolve. I said we do not evolve as earths animals do. They evolve to suit their living conditions. Humans evolve in a very different way. We evolve to better suit our body's needs, not the circumstances of our climate. I believe humans had been developed to suit any living condition, not one specific. And I believe that this was done on purpose, take wisdom teeth for example. Wisdom teeth were made to chew on thicker foods, and larger foods. Now that human society has made food easier to chew, and made the food less thick. These are not needed, so then why doesn't our body get rid of them? Also, the appendix, it was made to digest cellulose, the appendix was very useful when the human diet consisted more of plants, so until humans had discovered that it was possible to eat other beings for food, they had just ate plants. Same case, why doesn't our body get rid of it? In another theory that I support is that we had come from another planet. Much like earth. Who knows? We could have been an experiment by E.T's? They could have said "Okay so we made these beings, one male one female lets plop them on this planet that looks to have our creations needs, and see what happens?"

Anyways, anything could have happened, and hey, I could be 110% wrong. But I could also be right. I just think that evolution from apes and monkeys is not logical. But however from modern science, it is plausible.
Originally Posted by shotguna99 View Post
I had never said we do not evolve. I said we do not evolve as earths animals do. They evolve to suit their living conditions. Humans evolve in a very different way. We evolve to better suit our body's needs, not the circumstances of our climate. I believe humans had been developed to suit any living condition, not one specific.

I think that a large part of our body's needs are based on the circumstances of our climate. e.g. If the climate is cold (climate factor), we would evolve and develop to maintain more body heat (body need factor). Now, we can look at this in a different way too. People born in areas of high altitude have a greater lung capacity than those born in areas of low altitude, namely because they require more oxygen. Yes, it's a body need, but it's one that is based on climate. I think a better word instead of climate would be environment. Everything adapts and evolves based on environment. Whether it be our physical entity, or otherwise. Technology evolves to match trends and so forth. Our personalities evolve as ways to survive in our environments. Society evolves in order to survive with present difficulties. It's all about our environment. You could say.. societies collapse though.. Well yeah, but so do species. Those that have evolved that are around today are products of their evolution. They have survived based on their evolution. Those that have not, are not around anymore. Anyways, that's just my take on it.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Originally Posted by Takkrala View Post
great... now that he got banned i will NEVER get my items back... shouldve just let zalmoxis report him so i could keep my shit. (yes, it was his fault as i told HIM to organize the clan war. if he fails in it its not my prob)

just great, adrian litterly scammed me for 200k minimum >,>

You paid 120k

Originally Posted by Takkrala View Post
Well, We had a clan war recently, and we lost loosing what was it again? 500k? not sure. anyhow, i told adrian to take care of the whole thing, including racking up the tc (since he wanted the clan war). after that, he and zalmoxis agreed to a time when a few of us showed up. except adrian. we lost the war, so i pmd adrian to send the cash. then he was like, i dont have the cash. so i sold all my items etc to protect his ass. (rappunk send him a fair amount aswell) he told me he would get it back but i still havnt got anything >,>

Tell a moderator, I would be more than glad to give you everything I own on Adrian. This includes my Full 512 Textures, my Full Demon, my Full Pure and 45k.

Originally Posted by Takkrala View Post
like i give a fuck bout that.

Originally Posted by Aidsadin View Post
You paid 120k

i sold things a bit cheaper so they would sell faster.

Originally Posted by Aidsadin View Post

Tell a moderator, I would be more than glad to give you everything I own on Adrian. This includes my Full 512 Textures, my Full Demon, my Full Pure and 45k.

already did.

Originally Posted by Aidsadin View Post

So uhm, have the moderators mentioned anything about giving his items to you for compensation? Or, what's the situation?
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
So uhm, have the moderators mentioned anything about giving his items to you for compensation? Or, what's the situation?

they told me it would time to figure out.
Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
I think that a large part of our body's needs are based on the circumstances of our climate. e.g. If the climate is cold (climate factor), we would evolve and develop to maintain more body heat (body need factor). Now, we can look at this in a different way too. People born in areas of high altitude have a greater lung capacity than those born in areas of low altitude, namely because they require more oxygen. Yes, it's a body need, but it's one that is based on climate. I think a better word instead of climate would be environment. Everything adapts and evolves based on environment. Whether it be our physical entity, or otherwise. Technology evolves to match trends and so forth. Our personalities evolve as ways to survive in our environments. Society evolves in order to survive with present difficulties. It's all about our environment. You could say.. societies collapse though.. Well yeah, but so do species. Those that have evolved that are around today are products of their evolution. They have survived based on their evolution. Those that have not, are not around anymore. Anyways, that's just my take on it.

Yes, but you said they are born with stronger lungs in a higher altitude. That is just like saying that a persons legs become more muscular. I am saying that we do not develop any certain organ or attribute that has a specific job.
I'll mention something about what you said in a few posts.

Anyways, everyone please welcome shotgun to the clan.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]