<Alan> Bust3r: Couldn't you think on a better reason to -rep me rather than helping your lil friend?
<Alan> Most likely you -repped me because of someone saying I was mean.
<Bust3r> Couldn't you think of a better reason to -rep destiny than insulting him and saying he has downs syndrome?
<Alan> Bust3r: It was planned.
<Bust3r> Aha, that makes it ok.
<Bust3r> Good day.
* Bust3r ( has left #toribash

You may wanna edit the scores.

Bust3r - 1 \o/
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
I'd also like to be a pro basketball player, maybe playing college basketball but I can't see myself being in the NBA, me being white and all.
Mac is back
Yep, the logic board has been replaced and.....


I have all of my info, documents, songs, EVERYTHING!

Epic is epic.
Originally Posted by Lume View Post
I still say you should go with PC.

This isn't about him not getting a PC, it's about his mac that broke, is working. So congrats Huck!

But srs, get a PC. :3
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.