Originally Posted by xXSJXx View Post
Not gonna kick ass now tho, haven't played in a while

same i cant make replay anymore and i suck at multiplayer too ,-,

Originally Posted by fragray View Post
being custom isnt very imprtant me and some people have been here for ages and we have just become friends thx to the forum

yea i made so many friends just with the forum :3
many of them are (ex-)flip member <3
and many many other people

i only wish that i'd discovered the forum earlier, i missed so much stuff and so many great opportunities to become friends with some awesome guys
but its alright as it is, atleast i discovered the forum at all (thanks to menkeh and flip)

btw what are your stories about joining flip?
I got recruited by mobin in 2013 as a blue belt :3 Since then we've been quite good friends, but he barely log on these days so it's not too easy to talk with him :c
I'm not sure what's happening anymore
Originally Posted by Toriality View Post
Why this clan isn't official? It's so active and old...

sorry for invade

well as i see Sj already said what i have on mind! :o
but yeah. even if flip isnt an official clan we have a good fun!

Originally Posted by xRegalia View Post
btw what are your stories about joining flip?

i got recruited by ReHonored the founder of flip and after he gve the clan to mobin in 2013! well i was in the clan in the begining. i see it dying and reviving again and ect!
Last edited by Darkerharder; Sep 15, 2015 at 01:51 PM.
just a fancy signature
mobin <3

here is a bit more detailed story of me:
i saw some vid from concon on yt and always competed in his challenges together with Taquar (back in 2013).
Then some day when i was playin greykido with Taquar, Menkeh joined and "you two are pretty skilled, i've seen some of your stuff on concon's yt channel" and then he asked both of us to join, unfortunately i had to go offline so he didnt invite me straight away cuz he probably thought i dont want to join but when i got back online i asked taquar to tell menkeh to invite me xD

highive to everyone that remembers taquar and the good old times with menkeh and cheffchen
Fragray recruited me back in early may. I saw you guys on lesduncans channel when I was a noob and back when he was cool fragray and regi both recruited me. My first clan when I was new and stupid to the forums I will never forget this clan. Monkeyishi was my fighting buddy and that why I play aikido so wildly andfast.
i have started streaming guys, moslty league of legends, starcraft, bordelands2, and dying light we will see if i decide to do other gamer ;)
TORIBASH OFC!!!!! I gonna start watching you got back from skewl ima play cause it's friday!!!!!!!
I'm not sure, but i've been thinking about it a while and I think we should apply for official, it would do the clan good if we got accepted, tbh I don't mind getting rejected, I mainly wanna see this clan get back up on it's feet cause right now we're not that many that still play and I think we should start reqrouting more skilled and active members, then I mean black ->. Or maybe even higher as 2nd/3rd ->I think it would do the clan good, cause atm the clan doesn't have a high skill base as a clan, we have strong members, don't get me wrong, but we have more weak members than strong members, then I mean like 60-80% of the clan. And that doesn't really give the clan it's rep that it needs to grow.

If anyone agrees with me I'd like to know, we are the only ones that can change this clans future.
I'm not sure what's happening anymore
Even though im not in this clan the max belt should be 3rd and you should apply you have been one of the oldest unofficial clans in toribash so you you guys would look good official. People would apply more cause you will be noticed on the board. But I would only keep the ones that would stay.