Originally Posted by Avengd7x View Post
^ this guy.

What do you mean im terribly off? :v

Do you guys think we should at least try to be in the irc more since.we apped for official again?

On top of the people who apply for Ethr no fitting the criteria, they tend to be fairly stupid and often new to the community.
Sometimes they aren't actually "acting" like they're asshats. Sometimes they actually are.

Irc sucks. The majority of us have each other on skype so (don't take my word on this) I think we should be fine.
Which reminds me...
I need to update my skype because the skype I have doesn't let me type.
It only lets me send emoticons, which displeases me greatly.

And if we start using the irc more, I'm up for joining the party. /o/
'°o[Ethr♥][My Music][B.A.W.S.]o°'
Originally Posted by mwebs1 View Post
Yes I'm still here. Uh....... you know what, you can just kick me, I've moved on from Toribash, found other games, e.g. Supreme Commander. Ya know how it is. So Inferno/Ave you can just kick me if you feel like it, I'll be kicked soon anyway for inactivity, so whats the use of delaying it. My Skype is mitchell111222333 if you want to continue talking to me once I leave. To the people I never got the chance to meet, sorry. It's been great. (AND YES, THIS TIME I REALLY AM LEAVING.)

EDIT: Oh and congrats on 10k posts guys.....

Bye, I guess

I know you won't see this webs but if you do i would like you to know that you are going to be truly and wholeheartedly missed by everyone who knew you. You were fun to play with and an overall nice guy, plus your Australian ^-^ see ya around buddy and hope to meet up in the future sometime. I realized this post is mushy so to man it up a bit....


In other news i think you should let Torigirl22 in cause i said so Ave, and if you don't well i can't do anything about it but ya know.
♥Team Aikido-[Obey]-OoT-[Vibe]-Team Pokemon♥
If torigirl really wants to join Ethr, She can apply and stop being lazy. Trying to get other people to let her in without any Application is just stupid. Tell her to do an application and if enough yes, then by all means she can join.
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech

Originally Posted by Spart1cu3 View Post
I know you won't see this webs but if you do i would like you to know that you are going to be truly and wholeheartedly missed by everyone who knew you. You were fun to play with and an overall nice guy, plus your Australian ^-^ see ya around buddy and hope to meet up in the future sometime. I realized this post is mushy so to man it up a bit....


I'll always check the forums, don't worry, I am leaving the clan, but I shall always be watching over you guys.... to see if you go crazy and..... etc. etc. >.> -Guardian angel mode activated-

Thank you Spart1cu3...... that means, oh you will just have no idea what that means to me dude.

Add me on Skype please, I'd love to continue talking to you guys. Skype: mitchell111222333


[Atlantic] [Ethr] [Team Australia]

12:18 AM - Sonic: I fucking want a bisexual pride flag cake.
Ughhh, I am tired... I played TF2 for like 8 hours... Then played Borderlands for like an hour, then went on toribash. Then I went on and started making a head texture. If you wanna see do /dl and /lp me. I am too lazy right now to do it/tired, since it is 1 in the morning.

Ninja, the reason I didn't get on Skype and sent it to you are a few things.
1. I am sooo tired...
2. You can do it, I told you the website
3. I was making a texture

Sorry but I gtg to bed now, night
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Yea i got it and i'm not regretting it, also rex sorry if i wasted your time but i may not need the head sorry D:
My first ever try at making a head, /dl ninjacam and lp, i don't really like it but it was my first ever head, btw it's a WIP so i'm making it sort of tribal (If i can D: )
Originally Posted by Nyann View Post
If torigirl really wants to join Ethr, She can apply and stop being lazy. Trying to get other people to let her in without any Application is just stupid. Tell her to do an application and if enough yes, then by all means she can join.

Yeah, if she's a girl it doesn't mean she don't have to
write an app... Nyann as a girl you wrote an app, same
lexii and other girls (i guess when i had a ,,break'').

Also just woke up, I'll try to be ingame at least for a moment,
and then going to finish that rose ^.^
What I hate is a girl on TB asking for TC just because they are a girl.. I don't give a shit if you are a girl, guy, alien, or monster. You get treated the same on a game, no different. :P Way I roll like that
X|Twitter: @YRBWrld |-| FB: @YRBWrldFP
Discord: Discord Me
Ok, In my view I was speaking my point of view. So I don't like [Ethr] doesn't mean you can spindle my words to your liking -.- I said I like Ave & Mj simple take that fact grow up and move on. I don't want this to hurl into a mass fight.

Doesn't mean you can attack who I am or judge me for how I feel that's just low itself...

Cheer's Jewww [Jordan]
Rythm smells like Cheese