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<augans> youre my thiggist
<Muze> Id like to say, I don't apologize, I'm a tough guy in irl and I will be a tough guy in a video game. Ok that's it.

Some wizards rather use words for offencive play and magic for defensive play,
An interesting yet effective way to bend the will of your foes.
You know what they say...

If you have nothing nice to say, say something clever yet devastating
"Needs Friends"
Tonny for fuck sake i told you to make an app thats not made of 5 lines...
I tested him btw 3-2 for me
He isnt bad at all ingame but i think he should work on his app cause this is a 3 years old work
The one that lives forever
Originally Posted by MRootz View Post
Some wizards rather use words for offencive play and magic for defensive play,
An interesting yet effective way to bend the will of your foes.

This works exceptionally well when you cant use magic at all. ;'[

Even better with magic, Pop thorn-cloak and harass him in anyway possible.
If it only worked on objects, souch as socks.
Well, I split my head open yesterday, got tripped and hit my head of a non-magical wall,
I had to get stitches. I wish I used my heal spell.
"Needs Friends"