Thank's for the head Insane! It's really a great piece of artwork. I suggest buying textures/art from this guy, his skills are amazing. Once again thank you for the head texture and I look forward to wearing this for a good long while.
Last edited by GoldenRox; Apr 3, 2015 at 10:48 PM. Reason: Because I can
[14:08] <@ego> uncreative fuck R.I.P TL;DR
[14:08] <GoldenRox> That's me all right \(o_o/)
Man, I just recolored it, you know. Not a big deal at all, I wanted to create something new but you already had something in mind. And that other head that you didn't like will look good with a full set *--*
Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
Don't you need the national dex for that? Doesn't seem like the game should allow you to receive a Pokemon that shouldn't "exist" yet.

Yeah, logically you'd think it wouldn't allow you to, but the 'wonder trade' feature doesn't follow it at all. I did it as soon as I could (right after you get pokeballs) so I swapped about 10 zigzagoons for multiple gen starters + low lvl dragons. Brings a bit of variety to the game, ya know?
I'll play the game vanilla for now, and then if I ever pick up Sapphire, I'll play it like that.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
I really liked the head that you had already made but as you said I already had something in mind. Speaking of Pokemon I need to get together some money and then I need to buy Omega Sapphire.
Do you guys want to throw together a few people to war? I'll be online for a lil' bit.
Last edited by GoldenRox; Apr 4, 2015 at 12:50 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
[14:08] <@ego> uncreative fuck R.I.P TL;DR
[14:08] <GoldenRox> That's me all right \(o_o/)
Guess who's baaaaacckkkkk? Totally not me. I was back yesterday, but was tired and slept a bunch, and pretty much did the same today. I bought a few souvenirs, since most were waaaayyyy too expensive, and some were not allowed on the plane. I haven't played Pokemon in, forever, but I'll probably start playing again in the future.
Last edited by ToasterDan; Apr 4, 2015 at 07:01 AM.
ϵ( 'Θ' )϶
Did you learn anything (what was the main point of the trip)? What's your take on DC (I've never been/never left my country)?
I forgot most of the things I learned, but I do know that the State Capitol needs to fix the dome every now and then, and that builders built Darth Vader's head on the outside wall of the Washington National Cathedral. The Washington Monument also has a part of it a different color than the rest, since construction stopped for a while for a war (or something else.)
It was pretty cold and windy on the first day I got there, but the weather gradually got warmer day after day. It'll most likely be hot in the summer. The buildings and parks all look really neato. There are a bunch of monuments and museums to see, but I don't think the people there are polite and all. I've seen people walk by a homeless man playing makeshift drums (just a bunch of empty barrels), record a video, and not even donate a single penny. I'd only go to Washington D.C. for a vacation/tour, but I wouldn't live there personally.
p.s. a toaster wrote this in a hurry while being sleepy
ϵ( 'Θ' )϶
Welcome back home Toaster! Sounds like an.... interesting .... trip! Do you happen to have any pictures of the places you went?
[14:08] <@ego> uncreative fuck R.I.P TL;DR
[14:08] <GoldenRox> That's me all right \(o_o/)