Originally Posted by Miku View Post
So that's what kaka said. Wow that grammar sucks dick. Also kaka, I do not think that's depression. I am pretty sure that's just you being unhappy with something/someone. Depression doesn't just happen.

I get faster angry now , I don't let people do what they want . I am now like my dad , when he gets angry he will smash everything he see . But he's not fast angry hehe .

Also today the longest guy from my class slased again to my neck , i had to keep calm today.Also next week friday i have sportday , and my master said to give an teqt next week friday or the day before , and i said : But master , friday it's sportday .
And so the anoying blondy was mad again cause i said that . And an another friend of my class says he has his "home made drugs" , he showed to me ,But i don't believe him. Then today that 1 girl in my class got "famous" cause 3 guy's and 2 guy's from my class was playing with her like poking and touching her legs . Well guy's , i hate my school now , I wanna be in a school where there ar different teenaage culture's , like emo,metalheads,rappers,etc... But in my school they ar same , they all listing to music they see on tv . Arghh , school is horrible . My whole class ar faggots.

But for sure i am so happy to be home again , playing on my guitar , listing music , playing on tb .
Originally Posted by kakajade View Post
I get faster angry now , I don't let people do what they want . I am now like my dad , when he gets angry he will smash everything he see . But he's not fast angry hehe .

Also today the longest guy from my class slased again to my neck , i had to keep calm today.Also next week friday i have sportday , and my master said to give an teqt next week friday or the day before , and i said : But master , friday it's sportday .
And so the anoying blondy was mad again cause i said that . And an another friend of my class says he has his "home made drugs" , he showed to me ,But i don't believe him. Then today that 1 girl in my class got "famous" cause 3 guy's and 2 guy's from my class was playing with her like poking and touching her legs . .

It's still hard to understand you... Also that master part.

Originally Posted by Miku View Post
Sorry... but wait a second.... Kaka, is your dad the hulk?

Well he gets angry yeh when people ask to my dad to help them a lot . Or when my stepmom don't know what to do like : Going away or staying home .
No wonder why my dad smoke's a lot of cigarette's .
Implying cigarettes calm people down...
But damn. I could never understand people with such short "fuses". Like, really...
Why would anyone allow himself to lose control over oneself?
I'm probably being quite ignorant at the moment, because for some it's probably not that easy. But still...
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc

Edit: kakajade that profile is scary, change it. (copying what you told me, sort of...)
<@Scorp> koor i love you
Originally Posted by koor View Post

Edit: kakajade that profile is scary, change it. (copying what you told me, sort of...)

You don't like boobs ?

Also , finaly im done with my homework so i can go on tb
Originally Posted by kakajade View Post
You don't like boobs ?

Also , finaly im done with my homework so i can go on tb

Weren't you like, tired of tb or something?
<~Arthur> Moslims go around exploding people