Yeah >_<.

Totally here waiting to make you an uber set similar to mine except demonic :u.

And if you're thinking "What the hell, what set? I have no idea what you're talking about :/" Then I mean THIS ONE.
the goblin
Originally Posted by TamaKuu View Post
Yeah >_<.

Totally here waiting to make you an uber set similar to mine except demonic :u.

And if you're thinking "What the hell, what set? I have no idea what you're talking about :/" Then I mean THIS ONE.

Lol, awesome banner bro, btw my set is complete, u should /dl and lp and see it, it's pretty scary.
Last edited by RepentNow; Nov 13, 2011 at 11:46 AM.
very nice set

also me,machker,fighter13 and meap will appear in your clan render.

hint: i am going to be humping in there
I play games and lift weights.
Originally Posted by TamaKuu View Post
What the hell.... Fuck, Already sent the guy an app :/. I'll kick him if he accepts.

And already did xD. Replied.


always be sure to check new guy background. Like, checking his previous posts is a good idea. If you don't have ToriPrime to do it, ask me, You know I am always if you ask.

Also, a single allies maybe?
Originally Posted by Saint View Post

always be sure to check new guy background. Like, checking his previous posts is a good idea. If you don't have ToriPrime to do it, ask me, You know I am always if you ask.

Also, a single allies maybe?

Yea, we should have some some security up in this clan where we do background check. But i think only Co-leader can use the full power of the IRC to find out IP's, alt, posts etc. So let one of them be that security. (well obviously the leader too)