That's why you should do a combo shop, it's so much easier.

EDIT: Just dowloaded C4d, and after screwing around a little I came up with this:

Last edited by Mapleleaf; Oct 19, 2008 at 02:38 PM.
Originally Posted by xFACEx View Post
It seems your sig in your shop is very nice, but most of your heads are of low quality, and a few of medium. Could you possibly make a head texture showing us what you are truly capable of?

Ehm, well I'm kind of dry on ideas but I just randomly came up with this one:

If you believe my texture abilities aren't ready for the mob yet just say so. :P

And yeah - I'm rather proud of my 2D sig skills. Not so much my skills on the whole sphere-mapping thing. :P
Last edited by Demonsoul6; Oct 19, 2008 at 06:09 PM.
Originally Posted by Ramenlover View Post
Novitech consider yourself in.

I know Avwave would be happy to let you in and he just comes on later at night.

I agree with joonveen. Normally I'd be more annoyed at you making assumptions, Ramen, but in this case you're assuming correctly.

Still, in the future, don't make posts like that. The final decision is not yours to make.

No to crazylars for now. I want to see some more improvement.
Demonsoul6, you could improve a bit but I've got no problems otherwise with you joining.
Novitech: Welcome to the Mob. :P

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
Hanzbot, I know it must be very annoying to you but, yah.

I would be pretty mad if i were in your shoes.
[12:04] <@Jarmund> the only thing that could make it even clearer that he didn't have a woman, would be if he played WoW
[21:20] <blkk> what does fap mean?
so am i in or out?
[2:39pm]culapou>i've killed over 500 people without stabbing them I can kill people with my bear hands if they ever try messing with me
@Diltoriya: Prove that happy tree friends head was made by you and I'll give a yes.

@crazylars: =.="

@ramen: What am I? Chopped liver? Not annoying to me, whoop dee doo yay! >_>

@demonsoul: Yay! A fellow sig maker *lololol* I'll give a yes to ya XD Just practice more and you'll get it. Always remember it stretches horizontally, too, so..a simple transform will fix it.