Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Elixers are used for quick power spikes. Economically, they're one of the best items you can buy for a quick boost. You typically get it for when you're either a) having trouble staying in lane because of harass, or b) want a quick boost for an upcoming event (baron, dragon etc.) but don't have the gold or room to buy another item.

That's when you should get elixers. Any other time and it's starting to reach overkill, which is a waste of gold.

You also buy red elixir on manaless ad casters at top lane.

red elixir 4 pots 1 ward.
Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
You also buy red elixir on manaless ad casters at top lane.

red elixir 4 pots 1 ward.

The moment you hit level 2, you have the potential to get first blood with red pot and ignite. Especially on champions such as Rengar who have 3 abilities available at level 2. The damage increase is pretty cray.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
I just failed to carry a game. I denied Yorick cs and killed him 2 times in laning phase as Jayce. Then there was a 20 minute teamfight in mid lane. All my team was feeding but with muramana I poked the shit out of the enemy team. We won couple of teamfights when being behind. I couldn't go for any minions cause my team kept pushing and got killed so I had to join them. Miss Fortune was fed as fuck and nobody was focusing her. I managed to infiltrate their jungle and kill Lux while they rushed for my team. Probably would have been an easy win but my team fucked up again. We literally had no wards. Had to buy them myself. My team kept overextending and they completely threw the game by dying when pushing or facechecking. Aaaaand my win streak ended 5:1. Getting out of Silver will be hard.

Also I got a penta with Jayce after I downloaded lolrecorder. That was perfect timing.
Originally Posted by Uberis View Post
I denied Yorick cs and killed him 2 times in laning phase as Jayce.

what a terrible Yorick :l
Originally Posted by Uberis View Post
I just failed to carry a game. I denied Yorick cs and killed him 2 times in laning phase as Jayce. Then there was a 20 minute teamfight in mid lane. All my team was feeding but with muramana I poked the shit out of the enemy team. We won couple of teamfights when being behind. I couldn't go for any minions cause my team kept pushing and got killed so I had to join them. Miss Fortune was fed as fuck and nobody was focusing her. I managed to infiltrate their jungle and kill Lux while they rushed for my team. Probably would have been an easy win but my team fucked up again. We literally had no wards. Had to buy them myself. My team kept overextending and they completely threw the game by dying when pushing or facechecking. Aaaaand my win streak ended 5:1. Getting out of Silver will be hard.

Also I got a penta with Jayce after I downloaded lolrecorder. That was perfect timing.

As Jayce, you probably dont want to "infiltrate their jungle and kill lux" when a fight is about to happen, especially if you want to carry.

You should probably always be with your team, poke with eq, and start the fight if you have to by gate > switch > q someone and hope your team follows up
My latest match

Master yi

SO far I have purchased 5 champions
Master yi
Twisted fate
Some long "t" name
¤Team Wushu Tier 5 ¤
"Roses are red, violets are blue, faces like yours belong in the zoo. Don't be mad, I'll be there too. Not in the cage but laughing at you.".

Why the hell are the bad scores covered?
Holy shit you did good 2 games out of 6. :|
Last edited by Devil; Feb 27, 2013 at 05:38 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

Originally Posted by kball View Post
My latest match

Master yi

SO far I have purchased 5 champions
Master yi
Twisted fate
Some long "t" name

there is little to no point in blacking your bad scores and then boast on your good one, it's not like we're gonna bash the shit out of you for having a bad game or 2 especially when you're level 9

besides it's quite the easy task bringing the rest of the games up
I'm a fucking professional!
Originally Posted by kball View Post
My latest match

Master yi

SO far I have purchased 5 champions
Master yi
Twisted fate
Some long "t" name

If you're on NA add me if want, I'm Hippybob in LoL now.
Originally Posted by kball View Post
My latest match

Master yi

SO far I have purchased 5 champions
Master yi
Twisted fate
Some long "t" name

You should really buy boots.

Honestly and when you're playing Alistar you're basically a support, no need for a hydra