You don't need to kill yourself working on it, but it's nice to see that you are commited into this.
Btw who loves the tutorial i posted for him?
Do you really think you're in control
How to type.

Lesson one....the a button is market with an a,the b button is marked with the b

I play games and lift weights.
hahaha well guys im in a server dont know where but join me quickly war with Psy
nvm they banned me


my tb is fucked atm
Last edited by Suspect; Aug 5, 2011 at 10:59 PM.
Such an ugly edit.

Anyways,lol iCo0n,I found your room,entered in it and my game crashed.lololol
I play games and lift weights.
When I join my tb just crashes??

The hell is wrong

Now it says something about socket error crapiddy crap crap
I play games and lift weights.
ahhhh fuck

i thought this will never happen

i am having the common error where you cant connect to servers

fuck you toribash bugs :<
I play games and lift weights.