Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
What languages do you guys speak,

English, some Spanish, some Ancient Greek (for school).

Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
and what languages do you want to learn (if any)?

Más español.
(More Spanish).
Originally Posted by rappunk23
What languages do you guys speak,

English, some swedish

Originally Posted by rappunk23
and what languages do you want to learn (if any)?

(More swedish).
Pickled is alright
And fresh is quite a delight
Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
What languages do you guys speak, and what languages do you want to learn (if any)?

I speak English, French (Both because their the two main languages of Canada 0.o) Czech, A bit of Russian, Spanish, and a little bit of Ukrainian. Fluently English and French. I want to learn German, because me neighbor is from Germany c:
Last edited by Genjin; Dec 4, 2011 at 10:21 PM.
Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
What languages do you guys speak, and what languages do you want to learn (if any)?

I can only speak Dutch and English, learning German, and I once learned French but I dropped that.
I also might want to learn Unicode. I recently found out how to.
Originally Posted by Takkrala View Post
Let's say that you once led a clan, and one of those members wanted a clanwar.
You appointed that person to take care of everything (time, money etc).
In the end, he fucks up and the clan lost. but he doesnt have the money.
As a clan leader you are supposed to pay, wich is what you do at that moment.
You tell the guy who dun goof'd to get youre items back.
But a while later he is banned.
And the only proof you have is the word of youre clan mates, and the clan you had the clan war with.
Is it possible that somehow you can get all the items from his account or something? (or atleast compensated in someway)

Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
That would entirely depend on what evidence you can gather. I'd say get all the info, evidence & anything else relevant to it & present it.

rappunk, search through the history of deleted threads etc. there must be a fail thread somewhere.

anyone else that still remembers the clan war shit, please contact me.
the Italians Do It Better is now official xD
and i'm the mod *,...,*
|[Essence]|GATA|Artist Co-Op|Italians Do It Better|TA|
Question for you guys:

Opinion on extraterrestrial beings?
Pickled is alright
And fresh is quite a delight
Originally Posted by Takkrala View Post
rappunk, search through the history of deleted threads etc. there must be a fail thread somewhere.

anyone else that still remembers the clan war shit, please contact me.

I'm on it.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Originally Posted by Dae67 View Post
the Italians Do It Better is now official xD

Originally Posted by Dae67
and i'm the mod *,...,*

Again, grats.
Originally Posted by DonutFatal View Post
Question for you guys:

Opinion on extraterrestrial beings?

I'm sure extraterrestrial life exists.
Originally Posted by DonutFatal View Post
Question for you guys:

Opinion on extraterrestrial beings?

I believe that there are definitely others out there. We cannot be the only ones. I highly disagree in the theory of evolution. And based off of Greek and Roman mythology, Gods coming down the sky, takes Zeus for example. He held a lightning bolt? Sounds as if it were extra terrestrials. I do think we have been visited, but many, many centuries ago.