i got robbed. i almost had it too... i HAD like 7k, but i got robbed, it's being resolved now.
Wii FC:
5457 - 3838 - 7480
Originally Posted by flamespike View Post
i got robbed. i almost had it too... i HAD like 7k, but i got robbed, it's being resolved now.

i really doubt that... but whatever
Whoop Whoop
corey and flamespike. Guys. STFU. You guys sound like two grils on their periods. I dont think either of you deserver co-ldr. You both whine and complain (corey more than flamespike) if you dont get your damn way. Being co-ldr is more of a big deal then it needs to be. I dont care if you both had problems in the past with eachother or whatever the reason is. Let it go. Remember this IS a game. I can understand if flamesspike went to coreys house and raped his mom or something but come on guys. Cry me a fucking river.
and Corey, "" really no need for that

Nathan. Banned.
Last edited by BlakDragon; Oct 7, 2009 at 11:22 PM.
i know why he is banned and i dont think he would like people to know why... i will be discussing this matter with him later. and blak your right ill stop for you and the sake of the clan
Whoop Whoop
I haven't had an issue with you Magix. And, sorry guys, but i THINK (emphasis) that i'll try to join a clan that needs me more. I feel left out here. well, not left out, but un-wanted and sorry nathan, i'll talk to you later.

Wii FC:
5457 - 3838 - 7480