Originally Posted by Virtue View Post
He must think 'Reference from any members of the clan' as the reason why he wants to join and the 'preferred modes' as 'preferred moods'.

Anyway, he's been applying to every single clan lately, and he's already in BoS. He just doesn't think that because he hasn't received a clan invite to BoS yet.

I wouldn't accept him if I were you. He was a real cunt face in BLEU.


How do you know so much stuff? .-.

Anyways, he's 17..........................

i dont really like this guys post count/grammar. Also 3 clans in 2 months? That's not a good thing to have on your record....

My name-a: Borat
Belt/Qi: Sex belt 352962469824 QI.... NOOOOT
Age: 38
Reference from any member(s) of the clan:
Reference from notable any person(s): Dirty Harold
Join Date:
GMT (TimeZone):Kazakhstan
Preferred modes:
Previous clans:
Why do you want to join: I like you
Why should we let you join: I like sex. It nice!
Ban history:Very nice!
And explain in a paragraph your personality*, forum and in-game history if you wish: I have the sexy time with your mother.