Endurance Onslaught 6.0
i respect your comment.bye you wont see me again here
and im sorry for being so rude i was angry at that moment
Last edited by Raven696; Dec 20, 2015 at 11:12 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Hello members of WAPOW. My name is David, but on Toribash I'm D3ive. This name doesn't translate to English, "Deive" is a lithuanian word/nickname that my friends call me. Just kidding, I have no friends ^^. So, I'm here because i want to be recruited for WAPOW. I wanted to do it a long time ago, but the application thread was closed.I don't know how long will my application be, but i would be very thankful if you would be patient and read it all. So let's start, shall we?

Who am I?

Well I'm a 16 year old unsuccessful gamer that doesn;t know how to play games (atleast that's what I think). I live in a small country in South-East Europe named Lithuania, that is good at basketball. I could say I'm a normal guy, because all my life right now is school, eating, doing homework, gaming and sleeping. Can't say I don't have a social life, I had a girlfriend too, but because girls are girls and they are chasing fuckboys I decided that my love is gaming (well for now, i'm not a weaboo or a hardcore 300 lb gamer that shits in a bucket because he cant get away from his PC because there's an inportant WoW match or smth. So if I have free time - I play games. If I would get in this clan, I wouldn't be active 24/7 because the exams are strong with this one (see what I did ;> ). But then i would have free time to spend I would play or be active in forums. What do I like? Well,I like sports a lot, I go to the gym every day with my friends. I'm also training Aikido, I have an orange belt (You think orange belt is shit and you dont need no skill to get it, but trust me, real Aikido is definatelly not like the TB one. Acctually real Aikido is all about self-defence, and defeating your enemy with his own power. In other words - breaking his fucking arm, so he would cry like a baby.) I own an xbox 360 (oldschool) but I don't use it, because now PC's are dominating :/ . I also like Cs:Go really really really much, I nolife it all the time, so if you have Cs:Go, PM me your steam and we will play sometime together. Do I have any dreams? Yea, well my super awesome amazing dream would be to be a pro Cs:go player ( xDDDD ) and to get a sick gaming setup. I'm saving money for the second one. Enough about real me. Let's talk about virtual me.

Toribash and gaming

I'm 4th dan bro that did a huuuge brake on Toribash and want to get back in the bussiness. I'm pretty good with abd, judo, spar? (i guess now, not so). I mainly play ABD so I kinda developed my skills there since it is the main TB mod. I was in a few clans before: Pause, Tekken and Origin. All those clans were awesome with amazing guys that were friendly and helpful, but the time came for them to finish them off. So what I mean is - inactive/dead. A lot of times it seems that everything is going amazing and then something hits you with bazooka and then you're on fire and you try to jump in a pond of water but that pond is full with gasoline. I really miss some guys that have problems IRL and couldn't play TB anymore, that they just got bored of the clan. Can't say I'm not getting bored with a clan, I do, but rarely. I don't like clans that are inactive and not friendly always thinking that they are the best and will beat everyone that stands in their way. Well for me that the definition of douchebags. Tolerance could be a pain in the ass, but when you make someone feel good or bad, you will get the same emotions as they do. Players need to respect players, no matter if they suck or not.

What good could I do for the clan?

This is the question that a lot of clans want to know when they recruit someone. As I mentioned I would post every day in the forums, I always respond to PM's, which leads to boringness and that leads to ideas. I know 50 posts, he's not active. Well I'm very active, but only in clan forums, because I don't buy, sell or comment on every post. I'm active where I need to be. So my mind is always full with ideas (I'm not boring ;-; ) and I really like new and interesting stuff. I could help in lot of ways, even if don't know how, but if I want to help someone, oh man, that person will get help. So yea, ideas is my biggest thing what I could do to the clan, and of course I would make the ideas come true. Plus if I start a project or something, I have to finish it, like no matter what. In that way I will be happy. So that includes too, if you have a job for me, I will do it. I'm always ready to respond to any situation.

So I think that's about it. My head is empty now and I have nothing to write and even if I would, that would be nonsense. So thank you for reading, aaannndd bai bai.

Inportant info and stuff

Steam name: D3i'Vi
Skype: deividaz123
GMT: +2
Time I ussually play: 2pm-5pm; 8pm-10pm

Last edited by D3ive; Dec 20, 2015 at 07:55 PM.
F I L T H Y.
[Origin] Remember where you came from.

Great app. Find our guys ingame an make friends in clan until we test you. I might be on later tonight I'm not sure tho
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
What do you have to offer WAPOW?:well I dont really know i kinda like just being in clans and testing them out but Ill think about it and once i know Ill put it in here (It took me a long time to fine the recruitment thread xD)

What's you favorite mod? My favorite mod is boxsu_mushu_v3.tbm

How often do you play?:I play it when I can but if i can play every single day when ever I want ill play it alot

Do you post regularly in forums?No I dont even know how xD

Do you check and respond to your PMs?I have no idea on how to go to my PMs can u tell me guys

Tell us about your Toribash experience.: I used to need more tc since i had about 300tc so i used to be a alt but im not anymore and i love to fight with brown belts so Im kinda well good at Toribash so

PS Im blue belt
wait i was on page 103?!
How often do you play:alot(thats my real answer)
nvm i know how to go to forums and I dont really post anything in the forums eh eh see what i did there but I barely put anything in the forums
Last edited by Anything21; Dec 21, 2015 at 02:02 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

First off an alt is an alternet account which means you hav a different account which your main would be. Denied lazy app and experience
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
Originally Posted by D3ive View Post
Hello members of WAPOW. My name is David, but on Toribash I'm D3ive. This name doesn't translate to English, "Deive" is a lithuanian word/nickname that my friends call me. Just kidding, I have no friends ^^. So, I'm here because i want to be recruited for WAPOW. I wanted to do it a long time ago, but the application thread was closed.I don't know how long will my application be, but i would be very thankful if you would be patient and read it all. So let's start, shall we?

Who am I?

Well I'm a 16 year old unsuccessful gamer that doesn;t know how to play games (atleast that's what I think). I live in a small country in South-East Europe named Lithuania, that is good at basketball. I could say I'm a normal guy, because all my life right now is school, eating, doing homework, gaming and sleeping. Can't say I don't have a social life, I had a girlfriend too, but because girls are girls and they are chasing fuckboys I decided that my love is gaming (well for now, i'm not a weaboo or a hardcore 300 lb gamer that shits in a bucket because he cant get away from his PC because there's an inportant WoW match or smth. So if I have free time - I play games. If I would get in this clan, I wouldn't be active 24/7 because the exams are strong with this one (see what I did ;> ). But then i would have free time to spend I would play or be active in forums. What do I like? Well,I like sports a lot, I go to the gym every day with my friends. I'm also training Aikido, I have an orange belt (You think orange belt is shit and you dont need no skill to get it, but trust me, real Aikido is definatelly not like the TB one. Acctually real Aikido is all about self-defence, and defeating your enemy with his own power. In other words - breaking his fucking arm, so he would cry like a baby.) I own an xbox 360 (oldschool) but I don't use it, because now PC's are dominating :/ . I also like Cs:Go really really really much, I nolife it all the time, so if you have Cs:Go, PM me your steam and we will play sometime together. Do I have any dreams? Yea, well my super awesome amazing dream would be to be a pro Cs:go player ( xDDDD ) and to get a sick gaming setup. I'm saving money for the second one. Enough about real me. Let's talk about virtual me.

Toribash and gaming

I'm 4th dan bro that did a huuuge brake on Toribash and want to get back in the bussiness. I'm pretty good with abd, judo, spar? (i guess now, not so). I mainly play ABD so I kinda developed my skills there since it is the main TB mod. I was in a few clans before: Pause, Tekken and Origin. All those clans were awesome with amazing guys that were friendly and helpful, but the time came for them to finish them off. So what I mean is - inactive/dead. A lot of times it seems that everything is going amazing and then something hits you with bazooka and then you're on fire and you try to jump in a pond of water but that pond is full with gasoline. I really miss some guys that have problems IRL and couldn't play TB anymore, that they just got bored of the clan. Can't say I'm not getting bored with a clan, I do, but rarely. I don't like clans that are inactive and not friendly always thinking that they are the best and will beat everyone that stands in their way. Well for me that the definition of douchebags. Tolerance could be a pain in the ass, but when you make someone feel good or bad, you will get the same emotions as they do. Players need to respect players, no matter if they suck or not.

What good could I do for the clan?

This is the question that a lot of clans want to know when they recruit someone. As I mentioned I would post every day in the forums, I always respond to PM's, which leads to boringness and that leads to ideas. I know 50 posts, he's not active. Well I'm very active, but only in clan forums, because I don't buy, sell or comment on every post. I'm active where I need to be. So my mind is always full with ideas (I'm not boring ;-; ) and I really like new and interesting stuff. I could help in lot of ways, even if don't know how, but if I want to help someone, oh man, that person will get help. So yea, ideas is my biggest thing what I could do to the clan, and of course I would make the ideas come true. Plus if I start a project or something, I have to finish it, like no matter what. In that way I will be happy. So that includes too, if you have a job for me, I will do it. I'm always ready to respond to any situation.

So I think that's about it. My head is empty now and I have nothing to write and even if I would, that would be nonsense. So thank you for reading, aaannndd bai bai.

Inportant info and stuff

Steam name: D3i'Vi
Skype: deividaz123
GMT: +2
Time I ussually play: 2pm-5pm; 8pm-10pm


I wub you i say yes
Originally Posted by Anything21 View Post
What do you have to offer WAPOW?:well I dont really know i kinda like just being in clans and testing them out but Ill think about it and once i know Ill put it in here (It took me a long time to fine the recruitment thread xD)

What's you favorite mod? My favorite mod is boxsu_mushu_v3.tbm

How often do you play?:I play it when I can but if i can play every single day when ever I want ill play it alot

Do you post regularly in forums?No I dont even know how xD

Do you check and respond to your PMs?I have no idea on how to go to my PMs can u tell me guys

Tell us about your Toribash experience.: I used to need more tc since i had about 300tc so i used to be a alt but im not anymore and i love to fight with brown belts so Im kinda well good at Toribash so

PS Im blue belt
wait i was on page 103?!
How often do you play:alot(thats my real answer)
nvm i know how to go to forums and I dont really post anything in the forums eh eh see what i did there but I barely put anything in the forums

i dont lub you
Last edited by Harry6103; Dec 21, 2015 at 05:34 AM. Reason: Spelling error
No Longer Active
Right, My in-game user is (You guessed it) SomeGuy333, My real name is Piran, I am 12 years of age and I enjoy playing Toribash!

My favourite mods are (In order) Mushu, ABD, Aikido, Judo, Parkour Mods (depending on the mod) and Twinswords. I play Toribash everyday when possible and enjoy playing with my friend(s) iNNzB00M1. I don't post all that regularly on the Forums (as you can see) mostly because I haven't had much experience with the Forums, And I don't check it that often. I check my notifications and PMs whenever something new is there xD.

My Toribash Experience

I'm a black belt with a white belt alt, By the name of ''HAMROfRed'', I use it mostly when I can't be bothered to login to SomeGuy... My previous clan was Ripper. I very, And when I mean very, I mean VERY, much dislike Rushers, I don't mind skeeters because i will do it myself when i feel like it... (I'm not quite sure what to put here sooooo....)

What I Can Offer To WAPOW

So I can offer Jokes, Skills (I say that like I have some), Somebody to teach new things to, Somebody to shout at, Somebody that (hopefully) can teach things to other people, My SICK backflip skills (lel) And, Well, Coolstuffs?

A Bit About Me

I enjoy eating Cheetos, Pringles, Skittles, (If you don't know what those are.. They are pure awesome) Doritos (OF COURSE) ALSO PIZZA
I like drinking Pepsi, Doctor Pepper and Mountain Dew.
I enjoy playing games like: Left 4 Dead, CS:GO, Broforce, Hearthstone, Assassin's Creed and other games like those.
Hobbies are: Watching Youtube, Playing on my PC (As you can tell), Playing on my phone, Playing Football and Rugby.

My skype is live : piransmith1992 (without spaces)

Have a Nice Christmas and Happy Days, Unless you're a pervert, Then don't!
Thanx for reading and stuff...


If it's not much, it's because i don't really know what to put or what is necessary to put, And i don't want to be wasting y'alls time with useless junk i've typed =3

Steam: alistairdh OR Kyke Hamisnice (don't ask)
GMT: +/- 0

Posts is low because i don't post in the main forums, only in clan forums and stuff...

WAPOW! (Def didn't miss that out :P)
Last edited by SomeGuy333; Dec 24, 2015 at 04:45 PM. Reason: Missed some info out :/