Yikes. Anyway, I was planning to make a thread with my guide about anime. Thanks for reminding me!

Anyways, here's the link to my introduction to Anime!
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[C3][Anime United]
Originally Posted by Lume View Post
Yeah, not like I still moderate 2 other boards.

I thought it was just Gaming Chat?
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Originally Posted by Thorn View Post
I thought it was just Gaming Chat?

Nah, I've had both for around 6~ months :3
Sorry, carbonking. It's too late now. We're already at our limit for moderators at the moment. :3
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[C3][Anime United]
I was always wondering..
I know this can be posted in the random thread, but I think this is a worthy enough topic because it involves personal experience with me and probably a lot of others.

Has watching anime/manga ever changed your life/made an impact on it for the better?

I mean, has it ever changed the way you act, given you self-confidence, helped you get through tough times and maybe even taught you things that no one around you has?

From personal experience, it has helped me look into nature more and appreciate what we have, it's also helped me look after myself more as far as staying fit and eating healthy does, it's helped me respect people in a way that I never would have looked at them and it's taught me a lot of life lessons that I never would have learned at this age.. how about you guys?
Last edited by Lume; Apr 26, 2011 at 03:09 AM.
Kind of. If you have watched Clannad, and more specifically Clannad ~Afterstory~, you should know what I am talking about. Being an emotionally numb person, I rarely react to things (even death), and I rarely cry. Clannad would be one of those animes that would make an impact on the state of mind of most people, especially cold hearted ones. :3

Anywho, here's the list of animes that have made any type of impact whatsoever to who I am, or my state of mind/composure.

Clannad ~Afterstory~ - Shook me a bit emotionally, the ONLY anime that has ever made my cry, and is burned into my memory.
Spice and Wolf/Spice and Wolf II - Reminded me of my mindset/thought pattern, and gave me an observer's view of how I think (I think in a more modern, but similar pattern to Lawrence).
5 Centimeters Per Second - For some reason, it brought back the memories I had from Clannad, so it had some type of impact... >.>
Ef - A Tale of Memories/A Tale of Melodies - Shook me a bit emotionally, though nowhere near as close as how Clannad did
Toradora - Same as 5 Centimeters Per Second

Yeah... that's basically it.
Last edited by LastGod; Jun 27, 2011 at 03:59 AM.
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[C3][Anime United]
somehow , I think it made me more daydreaming ( obviously ) , which is not a bad thing , since I start thinking about diff things more deeply.Since I'm a cold hearted person , anime makes me a bit more happy, not much to say , never felt really sad for an anime or something like that, I'll take the challange of watching clannad and see what happens.It also changed the way I act
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
I probably get more emotional when watching anime than real life, so I'd have to say that it has probably been for the better.

That said, the fact that watching anime has become my main hobby may have helped me - I'd probably be doing something really stupid.
[19:32] <@darilu-kun> tori = furry, bash = pride
anime a has really helped me when i was going though some stuff i was always depressed stopped going to school then i cant remember how but i was on the computer one day and i found this anime site and i started watching this one anime(cant remember then name was years ago was like 10-11) and i just fell in love with anime the story the art everything so i started watching it all the time 200+ later i have become an otaku but its fine