Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Sorry for inactivity. Friday and Saturday, I was partying. On Sunday I had a friend over and a tornado hit Minneapolis where I live so I have no electricity. It will probably take 2-5 days to get power again.

Yeah. Tell you about it later.
I think there was only 1-5 deaths, which is pretty incredible in a fairly dense residential area.

Back door :o

It was intense. I was upstairs with my brother and a friend and the power was flickering and went off. We looked out the window and it was really windy. Earlier in the week we put a refrigerator outside because we bought a new one. When we saw it blow away we started running downstairs. The tree smashed the back of the house as we were running down the steps and glass flew all over us. It was pretty much over 15 seconds later. We heard the tornado sirens 5 2-5 minutes later. It was pretty surreal walking around the damage.

tl'dr: Action movie.