Lulu is an aggressive support who excels at making engages one-sided through shields and cc, with low mana costs to keep constant engages happening. I don't feel like she outright counters any support or adc, but she certainly fairs very well all around as a support with no real hard counters. She fairs a little worse against heavy poke supports like sona and nunu, but she's still pretty safe in those match ups. She plays well with somebody like graves or ashe, and is pretty good against people like mf.

Where she excels is teamfights, as her ult is incredibly powerful as a counter-engage, and she's deceptively efficient at keeping champs alive through strong, low cost shields and making enemies run around as squirrels/cats/cupcakes/dragonlings etc. etc. You play her for her late game, but her early game isn't bad either. She's basically the pocket support of the initiators and tanks, rather than nunu, who's the pocket support of the adc.

As a support, she's not in a bad spot and is still pretty viable, but she's the middle ground between tanky initiator support (blitz, leona, taric, ali) and the pocket support (nunu, janna, sona). I'd prefer a specialized support over an all-around support.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
i think ed will like his screen once he logs into LoL... just think he will :3
Haha thanks dude. But when i tried to use that skin, game crashed on me and i cbf to reconnect.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Originally Posted by EJM View Post
She's pretty damn good, but I suggest learning blitz, leona or thresh. Maybe even lulu, so you'd be able to counter supports when playing draft of ranked.

Soraka has a trash laning phase. She can't do anything against aggression early game. Sona heals more and does more damage than her. Whenever a see a Soraka support, I'm like "welp we/they lose". She just can't handle the meta in her current state.

Originally Posted by m0nk3y8 View Post
I decided to try out Rengar top for the first time in forever.
double q halfs your hp from level 1-3. Dafuq?

Rengar has one of the strongest burst rotations in the game from levels 1 - 3.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
I think taric is currently the best support. Getting tons of armour for free when on the defensive and armour shred when winning exchanges, sustain in lane and while poking/sieging, and the threat of a stun to death both in lane and in the lategame is pretty much all you could ask for.

The other top dogs are zyra, lulu, sona, thresh and leona.
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
I thought they nerfed it to the ground last patch/this patch?

But yeah, Taric is my favorite support but I still think Lulu is #1

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم