we have quite a few wars and tornements to do when I get back so be ready to commit <3 tell me dates that you would preferably want to play and we can try and sort things out
You bet I had fun frag :P
I went on this 6D movie theatre where we saw a little cartoon by dreamworks which hurt my back because it made the seats move with the cartoon, and thats not even a quarter of the fun I had :3
that means we can play our match against Nitro (i think) for the Unity Event o/

also this damn heat.. i was swimming the whole day and it was/is still hot af .-.
I think we forgot about this clash of clans hosted by unity. We only have three days so do you guys have the time or do you forfeit?
"Who wouldn't pass up gay sex with Bercat?"
"Day is probably masturbating to Osu"- Hydra 2k15
Wait wtf are we into and hi guys my cousin pnutbutta in little Italy wants to join he is gonna write an app tommorow he is on his final day here in hawaii and yes monkey I moved back here im not in Houston anymore