Originally Posted by Dr_Strangelove View Post
Because EU currently has an insanely deep pool of top level teams, it is not through luck that MYM and Millenium did not qualify.

I think it was pretty lucky for Fnatic to beat alternate
Originally Posted by AzureMage View Post
Someone give me a quick how to on jayce and elise? here or pm. Much obliged.

This is the build I use 90% of the Jayce games I play. I am a glass cannon/poke monster so that's the reason for no resists other than GA as my 6th item. This is the build I use for mid and bot when I play him (yes, i said bot. He does fine as a poking ADC).

As for top lane, I'd probably run the same build. But if we needed a strong tanky fight starter, I'd build fairly tanky. Sunfire/Warmongs/Damage Items.

Starting items is really up to you because anything will work.

I run faerie charm, pots, and 1 ward. Usually grabbing more mana pots that HP pots. But you can do...

faerie, pots, ward (mid/top/bot recommended)
flask, pot, ward (mid/top recommended)
boots, 3 (mid/top/bot recommended)
cloth, 5 (vs heavy physical damage mid/top recommended)
mantle, 2 (vs AP mids and tops recommended)
long sword, 2 (bot recommended)
And probably bit more

My skill order is, q,e,w,r for the glass cannon poking Jayce
q-e-q-w: prioritize q,e,w, THEN r. I do not ever get a point in r only when it's the only thing I can get.
Skils for a more tanky, sustain damage Jayce (usually top lane), max: e,q,w,r

e-q-e-w: Then max e, q, w, THEN r. As is said before I don't ever get a point in it unless it's the only thing available.

People may not like this, but it for sure works for me.

Laning regardless where you are should be similar. Farm, farm, farm in cannon form; last hit, poke when needed. When you reach level 2 , show them how much you hurt, give them a gate and q to the face. Chunk them for 1/5 -1/4 early levels. Once you are level 4 you can auto attack creeps in hammer form if you need some mana (why we picked up a single point in w at level 4). When all-inning someone, your combo (or the way I do it at least) should be...

(>starting in cannon> Q into your E > press W > switch to Hammer > Q > triple hit with the speed buff from Cannon W> then E> and throw ignite there somewhere.) Your full combo costs a lot of mana, so only do it if you aer sure you'll get the kill.

Mid game and teamfights are different according to what you build.
Glass Cannon, just sit in the back, beg for ALL blue buffs, and Q-E and chunk kids by dealing over 700 damage each time you poke. Once they're decently low, your tanks should already be starting the fight, but if not, just start it yourself with your full all-in combo.

Tanky Jayce should be the ones starting the fight. Save some of your mana (unless you have blue) and poke occasionally. It would be great to have another tanky person to go in on your team, namely, the jungler. Gate in and fuck them up. Make sure your team follows up though.

Build order goes something like this,
Glass Cannon:
We'll go with the flask 3 start...
Flask 3 > tear and boots > bruta > vamp scep. > manamue > Upgrade boots here> LW/BC (your choice) > the other one you didn't get > Or boots here > BT > GA/some resist item.

Build order for a more tanky jayce would be
Flask 3 > whatever you want really > Just make sure you pick up some sustain early rather it be pots or vamp scepter.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Originally Posted by Dr_Strangelove View Post
Because EU currently has an insanely deep pool of top level teams, it is not through luck that MYM and Millenium did not qualify.

Though just because they lose some games does not mean that they aren't innovators. Who else at the top level played renekton, gangplank, shyvanna, lee sin, mundo, xin, wukong or fucking VOLIBEAR before them? Nobody, that's who! I'm shamelessly fanboying I know, fuck you.

Actually, gp mid and shyvanna jungle (saintvicious) were played in top level before m5 did it
Originally Posted by Solax View Post
Finally saved up to 6,3k but I'm not sure who to buy.
I play mid lots and top too. So I'm stuck between buying Khazix, Vi or Riven or Lee Sin.
What do.

Kha'zix when you have fun being an asshole, vi when you like extreme mobile/high damage champs, riven for dem hops and lee for dem plays
Originally Posted by sham View Post
Elise is just a standard AP bruiser top lane. Rush a Liandry's, and either get a Rylai's or Warmogs, or both. (situational). Maybe a RoA late game. In lane, just poke in human form. Since your Q does more damage the more health they have, you want to keep poking with it. If you happen to get them below 50%, q > w > stun in human > switch to spider > w > q for the last blow, since it does more damage the lower health they are (hopefully). If you haven't gotten the kill, just rappel or something and return to farming. Also, don't waste mana on creeps early. She's pretty mana reliant and if you waste all of the mana on creeps, you're gonna get bullied out of lane and lose farm.

I disagree with this build. I usually start with rylai to help with the chases early game.
Never use your human skills on creeps unless you really need to, your spider form can farm much faster with W and Q, and those don't use mana. If however your lane opponent does a lot of poke, switch to human form and farm with your basic attacks (last hit), and save your mana for poking. Using this method will remove your thoughts of her being mana reliant.

I only built RoA on Elise when I first started playing her, but now I feel like it isn't needed and never actually build it ever again.

As for the combo, I usually engage with the stun, Q > W > spider form > Q > W. That should give you the opportunity to rappel on to the target and land another spider form Q if the target is managing to escape, and the early rylai will help you slow him down as well as give you a bit more sustain.
Last edited by EJM; Feb 11, 2013 at 02:45 PM.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Originally Posted by EJM View Post
I disagree with this build. I usually start with rylai to help with the chases early game.
Never use your human skills on creeps unless you really need to, your spider form can farm much faster with W and Q, and those don't use mana. If however your lane opponent does a lot of poke, switch to human form and farm with your basic attacks (last hit), and save your mana for poking. Using this method will remove your thoughts of her being mana reliant.

I only built RoA on Elise when I first started playing her, but now I feel like it isn't needed and never actually build it ever again.

As for the combo, I usually engage with the stun, Q > W > spider form > Q > W. That should give you the opportunity to rappel on to the target and land another spider form Q if the target is managing to escape, and the early rylai will help you slow him down as well as give you a bit more sustain.

Ehh, the stun isn't THAT long of a stun, and they would have enough time to take off. It's not like your Q is a skillshot either, so it'd not hard to hit w/o a stun on them. Your W should also be fairly easy to hit as long as they are not running away, especially if you stun them right after you send out the spiderling. Then, switch, Q > W should get the kill.

Also, I really don't rush a rylai's because her spider mov. speed is above average, and she has a godly leap with a low cooldown. Pretty sure Liandry's is better to get first. And I would only get RoA in some situations. Barely any, really. Only when you are the main source of damage for your team, and you already have a few tanks.
Last edited by sham; Feb 11, 2013 at 02:59 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by sham View Post
Ehh, the stun isn't THAT long of a stun

Agreed, but in my experience, it's quite enough to land your human form skills, and the range on the spider form Q isn't half bad, you only have to get slightly close to them to land the bite even if they aren't stunned.

Originally Posted by sham
Also, I really don't rush a rylai's because her spider mov. speed is above average

Agreed as well, but it served me well in a lot of situations when I was chasing someone in range of my human form skills, my spider form wouldn't be fast enough to catch up to them before their allies come to help/they reach base, so I usually land a human form Q (that is if I can't get a clear shot on the stun) to slow them down for the kill.

But yeah, your build is pretty damn good, I will actually try it next time I play her to see your point better, that was just my point of view.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Originally Posted by Ed View Post
This is the build I use 90% of the Jayce games I play. I am a glass cannon/poke monster so that's the reason for no resists other than GA as my 6th item. This is the build I use for mid and bot when I play him (yes, i said bot. He does fine as a poking ADC).

As for top lane, I'd probably run the same build. But if we needed a strong tanky fight starter, I'd build fairly tanky. Sunfire/Warmongs/Damage Items.

Starting items is really up to you because anything will work.

I run faerie charm, pots, and 1 ward. Usually grabbing more mana pots that HP pots. But you can do...

faerie, pots, ward (mid/top/bot recommended)
flask, pot, ward (mid/top recommended)
boots, 3 (mid/top/bot recommended)
cloth, 5 (vs heavy physical damage mid/top recommended)
mantle, 2 (vs AP mids and tops recommended)
long sword, 2 (bot recommended)
And probably bit more

My skill order is, q,e,w,r for the glass cannon poking Jayce
q-e-q-w: prioritize q,e,w, THEN r. I do not ever get a point in r only when it's the only thing I can get.
Skils for a more tanky, sustain damage Jayce (usually top lane), max: e,q,w,r

e-q-e-w: Then max e, q, w, THEN r. As is said before I don't ever get a point in it unless it's the only thing available.

People may not like this, but it for sure works for me.

Laning regardless where you are should be similar. Farm, farm, farm in cannon form; last hit, poke when needed. When you reach level 2 , show them how much you hurt, give them a gate and q to the face. Chunk them for 1/5 -1/4 early levels. Once you are level 4 you can auto attack creeps in hammer form if you need some mana (why we picked up a single point in w at level 4). When all-inning someone, your combo (or the way I do it at least) should be...

(>starting in cannon> Q into your E > press W > switch to Hammer > Q > triple hit with the speed buff from Cannon W> then E> and throw ignite there somewhere.) Your full combo costs a lot of mana, so only do it if you aer sure you'll get the kill.

Mid game and teamfights are different according to what you build.
Glass Cannon, just sit in the back, beg for ALL blue buffs, and Q-E and chunk kids by dealing over 700 damage each time you poke. Once they're decently low, your tanks should already be starting the fight, but if not, just start it yourself with your full all-in combo.

Tanky Jayce should be the ones starting the fight. Save some of your mana (unless you have blue) and poke occasionally. It would be great to have another tanky person to go in on your team, namely, the jungler. Gate in and fuck them up. Make sure your team follows up though.

Build order goes something like this,
Glass Cannon:
We'll go with the flask 3 start...
Flask 3 > tear and boots > bruta > vamp scep. > manamue > Upgrade boots here> LW/BC (your choice) > the other one you didn't get > Or boots here > BT > GA/some resist item.

Build order for a more tanky jayce would be
Flask 3 > whatever you want really > Just make sure you pick up some sustain early rather it be pots or vamp scepter.

you should try support jayce with the exact same build just that you rush sightstone/brutalizer. wrecks hard
666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
Much obliges sham, ejm, ed. Much more helpful than champion spotlights and lol forums.
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