yo guys im going to my hometown so i wont be available for 1 month or so, were packing up to go to my hometown atm, i may be able to contact u guys there but the chance is simmered down very low. sorry if im rlly inactive D:
i am going to england for work from the 26th to the 9th but i can still be active on the forums, if they CL happens before Good luck please someone take the responsibility to organise the dates <3 <3
it seems like we are all pretty busy,
as it is now it looks like we cant play the Cl match, so i think we should give up .-.
but we can still participate in the Unity Event.
Sorry 4 meh language but aww hell nah can't I just be a one man army and beat the crap out of them??!?
you are not aloud to do that in the cl acjudoka sorry guys for not being there, but from the 9 th of july onwards i will be here everyday ;) <3 <3
Originally Posted by Superseba View Post
Xeto: Im here becuz i was a not too old member of Flip
(Best grammar)

Oh, cool!

Guise this is my sparring partner c:

EDIT: Oh my school ended yesterday so YUSH!
skill I think we have to drop out and it is an auto win for infinity sorry for the inconvenience but not many members are here right now holiday or school finals good luck for the rest of the CL