Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Solax View Post
Pulled off a wicked Barron steal last night as Akali. Enemies started it without clearing our vision and while we were all up. Sat behind the pit watching its health fall. Cho consumes but messed up his maths or was just nervous. I flashed in just as he consumed and then shadow dashed Barron, getting the steal.
Enemy team was winning hard, messed up Barron and we ended up winning. Feels good.

Don't you love it when the enemy team messes up the last hit on baron?

I managed to do something like that not long ago with ziggs. We didn't have any ward so I used the satchel charge to get temporary vision on baron's health, to my luck, I threw it in the exact time when the enemy shen smites the baron a bit early. I instantly threw the rest of my skills in, ended up stealing baron with the ulti. Stealing baron feels good.

In a completely unrelated note, why is viktor so underplayed? He's pretty damn amazing all game long. He can hold a 2v1 lane with no sweat until he gets ganks, he can clear an entire minion wave with his death ray, has amazing burst if you use a good combo, and his late game damage is just beast. While getting chased he can practically spam a shield and W to slow them down and damage them while taking a nice shield until allies come to help. Not sure why people don't seem to like him too much.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Originally Posted by EJM View Post
In a completely unrelated note, why is viktor so underplayed? He's pretty damn amazing all game long. He can hold a 2v1 lane with no sweat until he gets ganks, he can clear an entire minion wave with his death ray, has amazing burst if you use a good combo, and his late game damage is just beast. While getting chased he can practically spam a shield and W to slow them down and damage them while taking a nice shield until allies come to help. Not sure why people don't seem to like him too much.

Viktor is pretty tough to play, he's squishy and he uses a ton of mana but if you can win your lane as him he's absolutely amazing and he helps loads in teamfights with his slow trap thing, deathcloud silence, and death ray for pokes. I think he definitely deserves to be played more, even with him being free this week he's one of the most underplayed champs next to Zilean, Sion, Xerath and Trundle.

Originally Posted by EJM View Post
In a completely unrelated note, why is viktor so underplayed? He's pretty damn amazing all game long. He can hold a 2v1 lane with no sweat until he gets ganks, he can clear an entire minion wave with his death ray, has amazing burst if you use a good combo, and his late game damage is just beast. While getting chased he can practically spam a shield and W to slow them down and damage them while taking a nice shield until allies come to help. Not sure why people don't seem to like him too much.

Viktor is in a weird spot atm. Although he has amazing damage in both, burst and poke variations, his limits make him unpopular. Viktor was one of Riot's first champions to have an unique interaction with items, as we all (should) know, Viktor has his own upgradable item that enhances a group of stats and skills. Each upgrade either gives utility (W) , damage (E) or a bit of both (Q). Now the upgrades to the skills may sound really good, increased cast range of W or a movespeed buff whenever you land Q on an enemy, etc but the down side to this is the items stats. They don't really get any better. Sure you get scaling AP/lvl, but the gold you invest on the stats are only relative early to mid game.

His Hex Core offers an interesting aspect to gameplay but ultimately hinders his true potential. You have to make an assertive decision on what upgrade to get in each game because once you get it, you got it for the rest of the game. To summarize it, people don't like Viktor because his kit doesn't allow for flexibility. They may want Augment: Power for laning phase but come late game, Augment: Death is vital due to its power spike. Not to mention the late game restrictions of it taking up a slot with no late game upgrade further makes Viktor "unfun".

I believe Riot is in the process of making Viktor better, as they have already showed two champions with better kits who incorporate an unique item or upgrades to skills; Rengar and Kha'zix.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
You know your team blows on so much dick when shit like this happen.

The only person not fed was ez and he fed akali. we were like 54-40 Akali needs a fucking nerf.

If she gets FB your lane is pretty much lost...

I think of her as LeBlanc with stealth and more hp. It helps me play against her.
The Curious Whomba, Intruding Your Privacy.
Any of you watching LCS EU? Diamond and darien are months ahead of the rest of the world as usual, it really is a joy to watch.
Last edited by Dr_Strangelove; Feb 10, 2013 at 07:13 PM.
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
Originally Posted by Dr_Strangelove View Post
Any of you watching LCS EU? Diamond and darien are months ahead of the rest of the world as usual, it really is a joy to watch.

Yeah, I still cant believe they didnt ban renekton
Last edited by Chuck; Feb 10, 2013 at 07:30 PM.
Originally Posted by sham View Post
She really doesn't. People say that a lot, but she's quite easy to counter.

You say that when she feeds off of your whole team and bends you over end game.

Originally Posted by Devil View Post
Akali needs a fucking nerf.

No she doesn't, if your team counter picked her she wouldn't have been fed. A single stun will ruin akali's engage which will pretty much screw her over.
You had a darius, an olaf and blitz who are supposed to be pretty tanky, especially olaf and darius. Olaf can pretty much outburst akali with no sweat, doesn't seem like he was doing a good job, or was just focusing someone else.

I do hope you picked fizz first before knowing you'll be facing akali, otherwise, that would've been a terrible pick.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.