Yo, real name is Jalon, but I go by Jay. I'm 14 and a 5th dan black belt. I've been playing since 2010, and acquired this account later on when it was legal to trade accounts. Just now coming back from a 4 month break. My current country/GMT is North America/-2. My former clans that actually mean something to me are [Obey], [o], [Rvng], (P), and [l]. Got declined on trial for Obey, got kicked from [o] after many complaints from "Demon" (who is now banned for idiocy and scamming), left [Rvng] because it was so inactive that I only heard from 1 member each month, and (P) I got bored and destroyed (man my hormones were kicking in). I'm decent in game in tk, akido, and rkmma. Very active forum wise and in game when needed. Only 1 major ban for framing someone on destroying the clan. (silly hormones) My alts are iFrown,Lraer, and Jalon. 2WC and Pr1vat3 referred me here through skype chat. Of course I'll follow the rules. I'd like to say cocks. I've sent the picture to the two because it's so disgusting it would get me auto banned here. I'll upload replays tommorow. (this was all typed on my iPod)

Thanks for reading asshats.
Wow, this was the longest free write application I have ever seen. Even though it wasn't very long.


Highlight this whole paragraph
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
Yes, please pwr.
[Market Squid] [Editing][OBEY]
Have a question concerning the market or anything of the sort? Feel free to ask me!
nice going jtard, thought you declined me. highlighting in safari dosent work the same as PC so 2wc had to explain why i was actually said yes to