Sorry Original, you have to search for another clan.
Your application has been denied.
evil Führer of Evil
Originally Posted by Oaky View Post
Sorry Original, you have to search for another clan.
Your application has been denied.

Thats okay . Thanks for the chance to apply!
Hey all sorry for not posting I just started moving out of my parents pad so I have been rather busy. Any new opinions on my app though?
Originally Posted by Phantom View Post
Hey all sorry for not posting I just started moving out of my parents pad so I have been rather busy. Any new opinions on my app though?

You are still under disscusion, please be patient.
♥Team Aikido♦OoT♣Team Lenshu♠
~Link is my personal Dj
Hello Evil, My name is Brandon Nguyen as you all may know I go by the name of Zuto im 15 years of age and a Black belt, the reason i have chosen this clan over any other clan is because I feel as if im apart of a family that likes to have fun and socialise with one another but most of all just have a great time getting to know each other and having a good time battling one another. Evil I believe is different from other clans because its members are respectful willing to help and cool to be around. I believe i will be a good addition to the community because I am willing to help and support anyone of the members if they are going through tough times or just need in game help im always willing to help if needed, I also love to learn new things from new people and have fun with one another. I am very active In game and in forums but mostly more active In game. What ever the clan needs me for I will be there, so yes I will always be available for future clan wars and clan leagues depending on whether or not Evil needs me. I have never been banned before, mostly accused but besides from that no I have never been banned. I am friends with quite a few Evil members such as the following: Zorow, Chintu, Quadraplex and the few others I play with in game Brigada and Taco, and yeah those are the people that I love to play with but most of all I would love to play with all Evil members. The previous clans I were in were: TGS and hollow those were the only two I was in, I was kicked out of TGS because they thought I was to normal so wasn't bad it was just wasn't the clan for me thats all, and Hollow i quit because wasn't active and just died straight away. I do have a few special skills, and that would be replay making i love to replay make even though im quite new to it I still like to use my imagination to do and epic replay. But Anyway Evil I really do appreciate you guys putting a little bit of your time into reading my app

Kind regards Brandon Nguyen (Zuto) "I am and always will be Evil"!!
@Zuto thank you for the app, you're under discussion.
♥Team Aikido♦OoT♣Team Lenshu♠
~Link is my personal Dj
- Why did you pick Evil, what makes us any different from other clans?
Because i honestly find Evil an intriguing clan. I feel very curious about it and, as always, every clan member i've met from Evil seemed to be admirable in-game or great to socialise. I believe i've talked to Chintu in-game and he was great to talk to and a very good person + player. So i would love to be part of this community.

- In what ways do you think you'll be a good addition of the community?
I was always very creative and very fruitful with ideas. Meaning i always have one for everything you ask. I can help you with innovating/creating all sorts of things to make the clan go forward (not that it needs to, but everything can always improve. Even if it's "perfect". So i am not calling out any possible flaws) and even greater than already is through coming up with new ideas for events or whatever you would like to do. Plus, i try to be a good person and a good gamer, so in-game i would pass "good vibes" about the clan.

- Are you active in game? Or are you active on the forums? (can be both)

Both. More in-game than on the forums. The forums always seem to be pretty dull. Not much frequent posting by the members.

- Will you take part in clan wars/future clan leagues?
Of course. And i would be damn good at it.

- Have you ever been banned before? (If so for what? Include your alts...)
Not that i recall. Some minor infractions only.

- Do you have any alts? (if so, name them.)
Technically yes. But not really...I had one called iChasseur and other named RockStarzz. But idk if i even played with RockStarzz account and the iChasseur account is inactive for 2-3 years i think. I don't use them.

- How many members (of evil) are you friendly with? Can you name them?
I met Chintu on a betting server or a tourney room but i never really got too close to him. I find that it is hard to find players from this clan in-game (frequently at least).

- What clans were you previously in? Did you leave them or were you kicked out? I was in Vipers (died, but i left because it was slowly going downhill), TFO (died), Source (died), Aether (inactive), Zero (died), Crooks (took a 2 years break because of high school. They kicked me out because of it).

- Do you have any special skills? (If so, please share your work/skill.)
I do play the piano and i made movies before (acting, writing and directing). I can only share music could since everything (non music related) i made so far is kinda "private", because it includes other people that wouldn't feel comfortable putting their names out there. But i made this track a while back, for soundtracks. See if you like it.

Quick note: the google drive link may not play the file. Just download it and i think it is all good.
Last edited by PeSystem; Jan 19, 2017 at 10:17 PM.
"Never think you're the only one at something" - VictorTB

4 haters only

Your application is now under review.
(Gotta say, your signature made me giggle, which is a big + for me lmao)
evil Führer of Evil
Originally Posted by Oaky View Post
Your application is now under review.
(Gotta say, your signature made me giggle, which is a big + for me lmao)

Lol okay xD
Thanks for the quick reply and for your time
"Never think you're the only one at something" - VictorTB

4 haters only