Originally Posted by thehawk View Post
uberis why does he need all dat shit when we have already set up an application form?

Noticed other applications? Most of them are shit. There are 1-4 words in every application line. And if he writes a good self description he shows some effort. We don't need those kind of guys who can't show any effort.

Anyhow no to evoevo.

And carbon you can take an example of Piratez application form. You can add/remove something I'm fine with it.
hmmm so i was looking through other clans apps and our is a bit out dated by out dated i mean long needs to be shorten so gimme a bit with it idk why they are all shorter now sin became official because of how nice its application was lol
Any special ingame actions? Run? Dance?:I think im good at sparring.
Are you Forum active?(more then 100 or more posts):Yes
Are you Ingame active?:Yep.
What is your best\favorite mod?:Running, judo, and aikido
Why should we pick you?:I will be a active person here, i will participate in everything that i could do. I will be a good help for anything.
What do you have to offer this clan?:I could teach people about sparring, but you guys might not i'm good.
Belt: 2nd dan on old account.
(optional)your favorite type of music?:
Bans or Infractions:Banned for spamming when i was new.
Previous Clans:Zero and Essence
Do you make any art? Videos?:No
Anything els you want to say or we should know?:I will be a great addition to this clan.
2 classic.tbm replays
2 Multiplayer replays
SP- Air Demon.rpl

SP-Up high.rpl

I only have 1 MP replay, thats because at some point i will delete them.
So here a short spar.
Meh, first decent app in a while, but the first single player replay.. it looks, stolen, just edited by you, if it is then its a no but if it isnt its a yes.
It's not stolen i swear, i just had a little help on it and that was a transition form the kick to jump.

The reason it looks stolen is because, after i headbutt ukes head off, i punch him in half. then i pose. My pose unfortunatly did not balence as well as i planed. So i had to jump up and stand on my feet.
Last edited by Termic6; Jun 13, 2011 at 03:32 PM.
what happen with termic2, termic3, termic4, termic5....?
Lol thers a dead event from termic8.
so what.... how many accounts?
Last edited by largeKilla; Jun 13, 2011 at 04:03 PM.