Originally Posted by skateit31 View Post
Name Demitrius/ Ign Skateit31

Current Belt 6th Degree Black Belt

How Long have You Been Playing 2 1/2 Years

Country United States Of America

Former Clan Sm0ke Inferno Kitteh Kick

I Left Kick Because as soon as I joined I decided to Join Sm0ke again

I left sm0ke because I wanted to join a different clan for once (Not trying to be mean)

I left Kitteh Because they didnt have that much players at that time and i like clans with alot of players and i left that clan

I left Inferno because they werent that active

Well I could teach some of my fellow clan mates some moves of my own

Forum ACT 7-9

Ingame ACT Always will be a 10

No Bans

No Major Infractions

Alts Kalebrick White Belt Honeymankok white belt

No One Did Refer me

Rules Yes I will follow the rules always never denial

Ehm, I have a couple of things to tell you about me Im a very nice and Smart person and Im Pretty Much a gamer and Im a pro at TB so if you need help just find me in a server and just ask me for help

Also I have skype and Steam If u have anything to say to me here are my skype and steam acc

Steam SpicyHot2

Skype Johny.ocper2

That it is I hope you accept me


Told you guys there was a clan named after me.
Anyway, no to application. If you wish to truly apply, do so in the Application thread. Any apps posted on the DSC will be instantly denied.

Going to be home in a bit, expect gifts soon \o\
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
You know what, fuck tb,
I just wasted 10k on a global, and no one fucking joins!
there was only fucking noobs on.............

I say no for several reasons.
1. You posted in the wrong place
2. You seem like a cocky douchebag (No offense)
3. Your reasons of leaving clans makes you seem like a clan hopper
4. As Zap said, 7-9 forum activity, 20 posts, and 2 and a half years of playing don't match up.
EDIT: Box, I would send you 10k, but I spent all my money on joints. So I'll send you a joint that you can sell to get your money back, and also a Christmas present since you're such a boss : )
EDIT 2: The joint I sent you should sell very fast in the market for 15k. If you want an instant sale, go for 13 or 14k.
Last edited by Clay; Dec 25, 2012 at 03:06 AM.
Box, that's why you search for some well-known people before you do a global, bud.

Anywho, I'm still in the need of buying another 512 head.
Gotta look good on my alt.

In 3 hours, it'll be Christmas/2 Year Anniversary of joining.
Hey guys.
I won't be on tomorrow because of obvious reasons, so Merry Christmas! :>

How'd my day go you ask?
Well, I stuffed myself, got a bunch of origami stuff, and did stuff with family.
'°o[Ethr♥][My Music][B.A.W.S.]o°'
Just gave a present to Lexxar for being a nice person, He got 5k i'm feeling nice right now, have to go to that thing hope i don't punch that annoying 8 year old in the face... Cya guy's later, soap play my happy wheel's level, Username: Camtheman125
Thanks for the present Inf! Sent you one as well. : )
Looks like I may just get my Christmas money before I go back to school. That just made my week.
Merry Christmas everyone. This is my favorite time of year. : )
Quick Message

Got a comp, Borderlands 2, etc. I am VERY happy.

Toribash Gifts, I gave some, gonna send more tomorrow.

I believe my new comp is a Hyper Drive or something, lol. But happy
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Actually, I got for PS3. My brother who got it for me got himself 1, and we are gonna play together :3

I think it is company too. W8, this is a guess hut itmighht be...
HP Pavilion, that might be the name of it
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆