Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Ed View Post
I've been brain storming and thinking about the new ruby sightstone on mundo.

What do you guys think about it on his jungle? It provides pretty average HP and the roam warding seems like it would really fit him.

I'm not gonna try it because I hate mundo and I don't see why people play him, but I'm just looking for others opinions.

IMO Mundo is pretty weak currently. He may be able to get incredibly strong later into the game but his early is easily abusable. He has to stay low hp in the jungle for faster clear making him incredible vulnerable to counter jungling and he offers sub-par ganks through a skillshot slow. I don't like him either.


Another 2 ranked games today and both were victories, the first one sucked cause the enemy team had 2 afk ragers and it was just a free win. I went 6/0/2 as Triforce Shen. Next game, I played Kat mid and it was alot harder. I certainly died alot more due to the enemy lock down of elise, ashe and maokoi, along with Kass silence but our Cait was something else. She was able to carry extremely well. My early game was decent, was 2/0/2 then I starting feeding...before I was useful again I was 2/4/2, then went 2/4/6 then 4/5/7. Final score was 6/11/11 but it was for the good of the team. I died, less focus on Cait.

3 champions that I really like for ranked are currently Kat, Kass and Shen. Rumble is no.4 so when Shen is banned and I need to top, I atleast have a backup. Currently have 83 LP, 1-2 more games will start the my promotion series and I might be able to get to gold.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
Originally Posted by j4nd0 View Post
IMO Mundo is pretty weak currently. He may be able to get incredibly strong later into the game but his early is easily abusable. He has to stay low hp in the jungle for faster clear making him incredible vulnerable to counter jungling and he offers sub-par ganks through a skillshot slow. I don't like him either.

If you can stay in game untill level 6, you'll turn into unstopabe meatgrinder who goes and does what he wants.

Ruby sighstone is pretty good on every jungler. I actually played a game agaisnt +2k ELO Lee mainer, who bought Sightstone -> Mobility Boots and carried the whole game. He actyally won the whole game single handedly.

Xin jugnle eh? Right click things.

Start with W/Q depending are you gonna gank at level 2, Max E. Kill stuff. Get Wriggle -> Phage -> BC -> Frozen Mallet -> Armor/Magic resist.
Originally Posted by Kryo View Post
How do I xin jungle?

The same way you play him, mash all keys and kill things.
The Curious Whomba, Intruding Your Privacy.
Originally Posted by Dargon View Post
If you can stay in game untill level 6, you'll turn into unstopabe meatgrinder who goes and does what he wants.

Ruby sighstone is pretty good on every jungler. I actually played a game agaisnt +2k ELO Lee mainer, who bought Sightstone -> Mobility Boots and carried the whole game. He actyally won the whole game single handedly.

Xin jugnle eh? Right click things.

Start with W/Q depending are you gonna gank at level 2, Max E. Kill stuff. Get Wriggle -> Phage -> BC -> Frozen Mallet -> Armor/Magic resist.

my build route for Xin jungle is
machete/5 > boots > emblem of valor > speed 5 boots > aegis > sunfire > then build tanky shit accordingly. It does pretty well because Xin does damage without a single damage item.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

You know that feel when you play support, then realize the person who autolocked the adc has no runes? And has less AD than you when you're blitz with no damage items or damage runes with a basic tanky support page, and he has a dorans blade? And he's Draven? And he can't capitalize off receiving two early kills to snowball ahead of Graves?

Ya, that feel sucks. This is why I don't like automatic elo decay in normals ._. I'm discovering the world of league that I thought I escaped from ages ago. I want to get matched against people who at least know how to play, along with the occasional well-known person, again :<
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
You know that feel when you play support, then realize the person who autolocked the adc has no runes? And has less AD than you when you're blitz with no damage items or damage runes with a basic tanky support page, and he has a dorans blade? And he's Draven? And he can't capitalize off receiving two early kills to snowball ahead of Graves?

Ya, that feel sucks. This is why I don't like automatic elo decay in normals ._. I'm discovering the world of league that I thought I escaped from ages ago. I want to get matched against people who at least know how to play, along with the occasional well-known person, again :<

That feel when our cait has 49 CS 30 minutes in, then proceeds to yell at me for taking mid farm as Annie

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

This is why I like to play dominion and bots now ._. none of the hair-pulling that summoner's rift causes.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I know the feel brahs.

Yep, their jungle WW has more creeps than anyone in my team. :3

..This game should only played as 5 man premades.
4 ranked losses in row....Won 2 in a row, was time for promotion then loss after loss after loss after loss...now down to 37 league points. With my ranked spirits crushed, its time to spam learn a new champion and then bring it into ranked.

So after 10 draft games with akali, ima bring her into ranked and see how well I go.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA