ok, i see why you asked for someone to make animations for it, its pretty hard to tell when u are close enough to walls or what u are doing on them, for example: when climbing a wall its really hard to tell when you reached the edge because u can't see the hands ( the first time i spent 20 seconds looking at it before realising that i have to space again),
also long walls are confusing af, i can hardly tell if i'm climbing them or not so i just spam spaces,
and ofc, its hard to tell if u are close enough to a side wall to jump off it or do a wall run.

OBVIOUSLY, it can be fixed with good animation and tiny fixes on camera angles but i just had to point them out since they are really annoying.

very sad the camera's position is fixed on the map editor mod,
and as you are doing a multiplayer game why don't you add the option to change the running speed later on? i also thought the running speed is a tiny bit too fast but maybe it just need some getting used to, idk i only played like 5mins before typing this and i'll play more later to confirm that.

this could acually become a classic for people who like parkour games or competetive games in general.

u don't need to thank me for the worst feedback u could ever get in ur life.
Last edited by Alpha; Jun 7, 2019 at 03:20 PM.
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Now thats the feedback I was looking for.
What do you mean fixed in editor? You tried pressing middle mouse? Also use left mouse click for wallruns, just position yourself in front or sideways to a wall and hold it. Idk about the running speed, I want it to be as constand as possible so people wont have to adapt for each map. But yeah I have to make betrer ledge detection system at some point. As I said theres shit ton of work to be done but I honestly believe I can make good game out of this
~RIP [Vector], Shikkumo's butthole
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kk my bad, the editor work when klicking the middle mouse, tho its buggy af i wont mess with it for now, maybe add different camera options like the ones in toribash?
didn't know i had to klick left mouse to wall run either.
also, after playing a bit more i think the problem i was having is not the movement speed itself but rather how responsive the controls are,

its just my opinion but i really don't think the delays you get when trying to change directions(i think this should be instant) or the little distance you walk when u stop running(if u really want to implement it then maybe decrease the distance?) are fit for a competetive game and specially a first person one.

try experimenting with different settings and go with whatever you see fit.

TL ; DR: just need tighter more responsive controls.

wont go into more unnecesarry details since everything else i want to say is about bugs that u are obviously going to fix later on.
Last edited by Alpha; Jun 8, 2019 at 12:45 AM.
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Oh for sure the controls need alot of tweaking, shit they may be done from scratch again but tbh it just takes some time to get used to. Even tho I made the game I still havent mastered it. Can you please tell me more abot buggy editor tho?
~RIP [Vector], Shikkumo's butthole
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I think the game is pretty coolio
took me only a few minutes to get the controls (without looking at Alpha's posts)
I feel some input delay between what I press and what happens on the game, but I'm sure that'll be fixed at a later date. The animations take wayyyyy too long for something that I feel should be fast paced, so I think maybe getting shorter animations would make this game feel hella smooth. I'd also maybe fix the first person camera since it clips into walls a tad too much. It also feels too zoomed in imo. Also, maybe increase the speed a bit on the actual character? It feels a tad sluggish to me.

So those are my two cents, hopefully it's not a repeat of what alpha said x)
Originally Posted by Aadame View Post
Oh for sure the controls need alot of tweaking, shit they may be done from scratch again but tbh it just takes some time to get used to. Even tho I made the game I still havent mastered it. Can you please tell me more abot buggy editor tho?

in the editor when i press mid-mouse and try to move the camera around it keep glitching into other positions.
and again, i highly suggest multiple camera options like toribash by the time its complete.

Originally Posted by Lotus View Post
I think the game is pretty coolio
took me only a few minutes to get the controls (without looking at Alpha's posts)
I feel some input delay between what I press and what happens on the game, but I'm sure that'll be fixed at a later date. The animations take wayyyyy too long for something that I feel should be fast paced, so I think maybe getting shorter animations would make this game feel hella smooth. I'd also maybe fix the first person camera since it clips into walls a tad too much. It also feels too zoomed in imo. Also, maybe increase the speed a bit on the actual character? It feels a tad sluggish to me.

So those are my two cents, hopefully it's not a repeat of what alpha said x)

not much repitition, u are safe.

psst.i would very much like to make the animations for the game myself but my pc is total trash and i don't think it can handle any animation program.
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
in the editor when i press mid-mouse and try to move the camera around it keep glitching into other positions.
and again, i highly suggest multiple camera options like toribash by the time its complete.

That's weird, it works just fine for me, probably need to test on other pcs tho.
~RIP [Vector], Shikkumo's butthole
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