Not going to be led by someone so harsh.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Well...this was a good clan, we were doing better than before, It's good that you knew how to stop people from mocking the people who try to apply as a clan member, Black, but the way you said it was kinda harsh, not that theirs wasn't but,those were allies, and former members...
Sorry I had to quit, I'd sign up again if I could but I don't think you'll accept me.
Here's the problem,you left immediatly vvhen the numbers declined so you jumped on the bandvvagon like kyou said,and that shovvs more of vvhat you are if you vvouldhave just consulted me.
Right, you know the reason more than myself eh, well, it was a good clan
Goodluck with it.
It'd be nice to see it grow again.