yay! thnk you!

i have to dl tb again so when i do i will put the tag on =]
[WcG] [OLDA] [RL] [BRO] [WL] [SKL] [iG] ~[Aeon]....MOBI is BLACK and SEXY!! FTW
21 y o
since 29 december 2008 in tori
3 dan
UssR member more than year
pick up my hobby
Don't put yourself in the fire!
name: Milan
live in: Belgrade, Serbia
old: 26
tori: 1,5 years, mostly mp, mods I like: lenshu3, aikido, wushu, judofrac
clan: [JollyR]
occupation: biochemist, work with plants
movie: Usual suspects, Pulp fiction....
book: Crime and Punishment - Dostoevsky, Spellbinder - Robbins...

well I hope we will have some fun moments here
wishful eyes deceive me
Polaris, welcome to OLDA mind telling us more about yourself?

As for the achievement, please see the sticky on the main OLDA board. We dont just give them out, you have to earn them.

Eduardo, please don't make fun of people who join. You can't expect them to know the rules right off the bat, and there is no sense in making fun of them for not reading enough since they might not read English very well.

In other news, why am I welcoming people? :P Sorry Tempo.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.