Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Hey! Im Holo Also known as Benander or Ben.
I got kicked from wapow about month ago coz of my attitude i guess.
So i guess this was like a behavioral kick.
But yeah they told me to apply again when ive grow'n up a bit and here i am.
So people who doesnt know me:
Ive played TB for allmost 2years for now. This is my secound account on TB.
Im pretty nice guy when u get to know me better and in my oppinion im funny too.
I play kinda alot TB but after this year im going to study and work at the same time so i cant be as active what i am now.
Im really active at forums. Im checking forums like every hour with my phone unless im uber busy.
Its obvious that i check my pm's too since i visit the forums so often.
I think that the guys who needs my skype allready has my skype.
In my oppinion im good at ingame, but im pretty rusty now tbh.

Best Regards,
*Whoosh* A ninja appears. Says:" Yes to holo. Bae." And disapears again *whoosh*
Chara: "Who knew people can have periods from their chests?"
Hey, im joon4sP. and i want to join wapow.
-14 years old
-from finland
-Played like year

Clan history

-lore (my own)

I play almost everyday and try to say something on forums.
(Sometimes i dont know what to say )

Im pretty decend player. I can make replays,play competive.
Im 4th black belt with rank 285, 57% win ratio.

Why would you take me.
Well... Im kinda positive person who knows most of your members. And i got some abilitys.

Other games.
I play csgo,minecraft and some other games.

In real life
Im in school (14 years old) And i get after year to high school. I love math and physic things.
Mostly i dont have friends in school, but i hope i get ones in high school.
I played couple years ago beach volley. But stoped it becouse i didnt have friends there ether.
Basicly im kinda shy but fair guy. I also like sweets and baked goods. When im adult, I would love to make programs for job. (Like my dad does)
There is most interested things about my life.


-Video editing
-Photo editing
-Mod editing

+Here is my youtube channel link.

Last edited by Joon; Dec 19, 2015 at 01:44 PM.


Welcome to Wapow! Accept my friend-request on skype, and I'll add you to the group.
Owner of Fred
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Hi Wapow! My name is Mike or Michael (I prefer mike)
I would like to join Wapow because i know quite a few members and i feel like i have enough to offer in terms of skill in the mods that i play to be able to join Wapow.
My favorite mods are any Aikido based mods, (Aikido big dojo, greykido, etc.) and Mushu/Boxshu. (i love mushu and boxshu lol) also Judo and Judofrac. (because its fun to get the DM's XD) I play toribash everyday, multiple times a day. And i am very active in the forums because i like to see whats for sale and whats going on in the community. I check my PM's often since i am in the forums so much, and i respond to every message i get. I joined Toribash on a different account in February of 2015 but after getting blue belt on that account, i realized i didnt like the name so i ended up making this account and it is my main account now. I made this account in March of 2015 and i have been very active everyday, playing on alot of different servers and meeting new people. Only times i am not active is on Holidays when i am with my family. and i usually hop on Toribash anyways, i have been in 3 different clans total. my first clan was THOL, i left that clan because it became pretty inactive for a bit. my second clan was JackAzz and i left that clan because the co-leader was really rude to me on multiple occasions. my last clan was TFR and i left them because i cant understand half of the stuff they say since they are mostly polish. I live in Michigan, USA and i am 16 years old. If anyone wants to message me or anything, my skype is mikeward141 and if anyone has steam my steam name is kozmonaut_wulf (my steam pic is the toribash logo) I hope i can be a member of WAPOW! Thanks for reading my application and have an amazing day!
you're on thin ice, pal
Originally Posted by Kozmonaut View Post
Hi Wapow! My name is Mike or Michael (I prefer mike)
I would like to join Wapow because i know quite a few members and i feel like i have enough to offer in terms of skill in the mods that i play to be able to join Wapow.
My favorite mods are any Aikido based mods, (Aikido big dojo, greykido, etc.) and Mushu/Boxshu. (i love mushu and boxshu lol) also Judo and Judofrac. (because its fun to get the DM's XD) I play toribash everyday, multiple times a day. And i am very active in the forums because i like to see whats for sale and whats going on in the community. I check my PM's often since i am in the forums so much, and i respond to every message i get. I joined Toribash on a different account in February of 2015 but after getting blue belt on that account, i realized i didnt like the name so i ended up making this account and it is my main account now. I made this account in March of 2015 and i have been very active everyday, playing on alot of different servers and meeting new people. Only times i am not active is on Holidays when i am with my family. and i usually hop on Toribash anyways, i have been in 3 different clans total. my first clan was THOL, i left that clan because it became pretty inactive for a bit. my second clan was JackAzz and i left that clan because the co-leader was really rude to me on multiple occasions. my last clan was TFR and i left them because i cant understand half of the stuff they say since they are mostly polish. I live in Michigan, USA and i am 16 years old. If anyone wants to message me or anything, my skype is mikeward141 and if anyone has steam my steam name is kozmonaut_wulf (my steam pic is the toribash logo) I hope i can be a member of WAPOW! Thanks for reading my application and have an amazing day!

pretty good app, i wanna test you in game
Last edited by colerouse12; Dec 18, 2015 at 07:41 PM.