Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I'm a bit confused with the conversation, but ill try to add my two cents.

I whole heartedly believe that people that have a love for aikido (excluding those shit noob white belt fags that say "OMG I love turibush and aidiko OMG OMG I luv it all") and can prove that they have potential should be recruited.
Team Sambo "died" because the people in it drowned in their own ego, looked past skill level, and recruited their friends (IMO).
We shouldn't become an elitist org because that leads to an overload of smug and eventually hate around the forums for bein douche dicks.
In addition, we should recruit people that we can get along with. The last thing we need is built up tension around here. It leads to flaming and a bad rep. So far we've done an amazing job at this, I hope it can stay this way.

The path to becoming "legends" is harder now than it was in the era of nuthug and hampa and those other people (too lazy to think of names). Mainly because back then the game was indie and cool, and things hadn't been done, like nobody had tried to dance in Toribash, or nobody had thought of realism, or nobody had set the epic bar in aikido and judo and wushu and taekkyon. Legends are legends in this game because they were the first to do these things, and for that we glorify them. Now all we have is popular people with lots o money or people that are really good at doing stuff that had already been done before.

Also: Can I haz a spot in Council <3