Originally Posted by InfernoXZ
Any job is a good job. Plus you don't have to do heavy lifting, which is always good.
Not to mention you make more with a job than on the corner

Yeah, gotta ask you guys...I sorta need a job and I've applied to some places, but there not hiring right now.
Know any places that would hire, anyone? I minda need it.

Gotta get my license first though. In Florida, you had to have had a permit for at least a year before you can get your license....And I haven't even gotten a permit yet...T.T
Gonna learn how to drive soon though.

Winter Vacation....and I'm bored as hell....for another 2 and a half weeks...
Last edited by bbush; Dec 22, 2012 at 01:40 AM.
Originally Posted by Avengd7x View Post
Listen to this song, its beautiful

Also there are a lot of end of the world movies on today

you know the way people say great mines think alike ;3
I was listening to the exact song on a house mix

Coincidence much?
Why hardly no people online im bored so hard i'm watching my replay's one at a time.
I might try get some tc or something soon.
Originally Posted by MrBoXMan View Post
you know the way people say great mines think alike ;3
I was listening to the exact song on a house mix

Omgomgomg that's what I got it from!

Also I like slow dubstep. None of the hardcore shit though.
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>
Darn', It's so intresting just lurking around here, And not postin'. Just to see who
says what, that's just me tho', It's all met' peep's! Coo'.

Anyway, It's 1:07 at night here, World didn't end. I bet they will put it to 2014
or something, haha.

What I listen to when I'm bored is Flo rida ft. T-Pain - Low, So catchy dat shit's man.

Also, I have 2 weeks of christmas holidays, so 'woo-hoo' for me..

Aaand Ave, I like the opposite of it, I like fast, hardcore, loud dubstep, so that kind of goes to Electro. Yeap.
Originally Posted by Isolations View Post
[22:58] == Isolations [webchat@E05DDC8C.BEAE738B.3313A19D.IP] has joined #ethr
[22:58] <@Isolations> >:l
[22:58] <@Isolations> Well.
[22:58] <@Isolations> I planned on meeting people but......
[22:58] <@Isolations> the closest person here is my hand.
[22:59] == Isolations_ [webchat@E05DDC8C.BEAE738B.3313A19D.IP] has joined #ethr
[22:59] <@Isolations> Oh hello me

You guys are the most irc active people I know.

1st post.
Been here since the beginning of July.
Still true.
Originally Posted by Avengd7x View Post
Omgomgomg that's what I got it from!

Also I like slow dubstep. None of the hardcore shit though.

You know that;s house right??
Dubstep is different >.>
Imma cyber slap you
Since you said you liked slow dubstep here's one for you, it has
a minor drop but it still mellow.
Last edited by MrBoXMan; Dec 22, 2012 at 02:35 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

Originally Posted by bbush View Post
Yeah, gotta ask you guys...I sorta need a job and I've applied to some places, but there not hiring right now.
Know any places that would hire, anyone? I minda need it.

Gotta get my license first though. In Florida, you had to have had a permit for at least a year before you can get your license....And I haven't even gotten a permit yet...T.T
Gonna learn how to drive soon though.

Winter Vacation....and I'm bored as hell....for another 2 and a half weeks...

Gamestop does a lot of Seasonal Hiring. Pay is around minimum wage for temp workers though.
If you're really desperate you could try a Staffing place. They find you random jobs to do at minimum wage.
Walmart might also hire you as a Part Time worker, I'm not sure if their people are still on strike or not so getting a job there could be easier than usual.

Originally Posted by MrBoXMan View Post
My app for when I was joining Ethr :')
Can't believe I've been here since August

If you think that was bad, you should've seen my app for when I joined [DP].
We've come a long way since then.

Originally Posted by InfernoXZ2 View Post
Age: 22
Why should Death Plague consider you?: Im a Good player , Willing to learn , And Experience in Clans
Write one or two paragraphs about yourself.
i own 2 Clans in GGPO/Kaillera , and Won the Marvel Vs. Capcom and Marvel Vs. SF Tournaments
Best mod:Wushu
Referrals(who recommended you join this clan): Simondigi2
How many times have you been banned or infracted:none
Previous Clans:Tech
Why did you leave/get kicked out of the clans?:Felt i wasnt being respected
Skills in TB community (Do you have anything else to add? Or special skills like making textures, video making, coding skills, etc.):None yet , im willing to learn though

Im not to sure how to add my player card though , if anyone could help

EDIT: Forgot to mention i post on an Alt , My Main is InfernoXZ -Blue belt-

Yeah, It's THAT bad.
Last edited by InfernoXZ; Dec 22, 2012 at 02:47 AM.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Ok so i was thinking about starting to market, and i thought if there was someone experienced i could pair up with. Send me a PM if you are intrested.
Seriously thinking of doing this.
I market a good deal. Look in my deactivated. It's full of Joints I'm trying to sell.
You have to know how to do it though. It's an art. Lol
I love dubstep. I like the hardcore shit the most.
Bbush: I started driving in 3rd grade. In Texas you only have to have your permit for 6 months. I'm getting mine in a month or so. But I already bought my car and my rents let me drive around town and to the big cities near here (Max of like 60 miles away)
I'm 15 btw.
Christmas break just started for me. Thank God. I was about to die.
Oh, btw. Does anyone know what Jeobi means? If enough people know, I won't make it my Xbox GT.