Well, Ireland currently has a giant hole full of hot molten rock and the sky
is red, with the sounds of screams that echo through the countryside, and the warm
air that beckons on their shoulders during the finally seconds of their life.

Besides that it's all good :3
So ave, will you be coming back soon?

I don't know about you guys, but I heard the 2012 disaster takes place at around 12:00 am tonight.

So, we can't say it's fake until the 22nd.

By the way, 555th post. :>
Da'aw. Oh well.
Last edited by Rexoa; Dec 21, 2012 at 11:52 PM.
'°o[Ethr♥][My Music][B.A.W.S.]o°'
Just got a real alive christmas tree now but no present's yet.
I think imma mow the lawn's before my dad rages at me (Scary D: .)
Meet you all ingame soon, i'll possibly be sparring someone in a private room.
Cya then.
*randomly* end of the world didnt happen...oh well lol....things are actually looking up for me =D finally getting a job soon.... quit smoking weed..... food stamp christmas dinner ready to be cooked... .... still depressed and all that but.... but yay.... I feel good today : )

PS can I be put back on the allies list? =) I know Im not online much sorry..... Dx Ive been working on my real life a lot
Last edited by xLolxtimex; Dec 22, 2012 at 12:13 AM.
Originally Posted by xLolxtimex View Post
*randomly* end of the world didnt happen...oh well lol....things are actually looking up for me =D finally getting a job soon.... quit smoking weed..... food stamp christmas dinner ready to be cooked... .... still depressed and all that but.... but yay.... I feel good today : )

Good to see your doing better. Thanks for updating us, what kind of job is it?
End of the world has been a great day for most of us.

On a slightly more Toribased note, I inherited a bet server last night, and made 2k in a couple minutes. /o/
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
That's good your doing well, hopefully you wont't be depressed anymore relativley soon. And congradulation on quitting weed. I'm proud of you friend. c:

If you need any support with anything you can look to your clans, they are more then people you play toribash with, it's being apart of a brotherhood, they are your family.
its a super lame job.... sign waving..... >_> better than siting on the corner looking pitiful asking for handouts though lol..... Cool you made some tc =D ... kinda jealous lol... I think I have like 20tc
Originally Posted by MrBoXMan View Post
What's your real name?: Joe

Whats your Current Belt?: Brown

How long have you been playing?: 3-4 months

Current Country / GMT?: Ireland/GMT+1

Any Skills For the Clan?: Amateur art

How active are you forum-wise? Everyday

Any Bans? Nope

Will you follow the Rules? Of Course

Anything else you'd like to say? I fight relax :P

My app for when I was joining Ethr :')
Can't believe I've been here since August

Any job is a good job. Plus you don't have to do heavy lifting, which is always good.
Not to mention you make more with a job than on the corner :3
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Listen to this song, its beautiful

Also there are a lot of end of the world movies on today
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>