The battle began how any normal magical battle would start, with the stench of sticky love in the air and the sound of Warrior whipping dobby in the dungeon. The first fight started with Orko attempting to cast spells from his throbbing wand but to no avail, due to the fact Orko was quite possibly the shittiest wizard the guild has ever known. Vradomor was a ruthless warrior but in the end Orko tripped and impaled him with his wand. Pronoob5 stepped in with vengeance in his eyes and a raging hard-on in his shorts, Pronoob5 was a master of sexual discipline and a dominatrix for hire. Orko was stunned by Pronoob5s lack of fear and immediately began questioning whether he truly was the coolest person in his magical realm. Pronoob5 attacked Orko with his arsenal of leather whips and lavender lubricant. Orko fainted, but not because of Pronoob5 but because he was beginning to realize he actually wasn't the best wizard in the world. Fyr was up next despite not having the moral support from Orko he attempted to quickly defeat the rest of the warriors to finally win Orkos love. But Fyr could not do it, he was overtaken by [Ally]'s sexy little leader Vradomor and decided to spare the clan. In the end we we're victorious but Fyr was driven into a dark depression due to the lack of Orkos love.
Last edited by millie; Feb 16, 2013 at 11:19 PM.