And what is the cure to death? There isnt any way to be immortal,not everyone will get active until it own person death,they can get tired of the clan,people,or even toribash itself.

You shouldnt be happy of being inactive,but if you helped the clan to grow,get big etc. You can be happy of being totally useful,wich take much time:
Most people get active for years,and years at the same thing gets boring,it will induce it to leave and search new things,but he still has mark on what he did before.

The thing is: if you want to help,get active until you can't anymore.

And dont call me narcisisst,i'm not you.
Originally Posted by Lust View Post
If you're ever tired of MAU or Toribash itself feel free to come up with a witty excuse to actually stop staring at your screen and go live your life.

Last edited by victortb; Oct 10, 2016 at 08:19 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Arguing does not help you know, if you want to revive this then go ahead. Do you want to kick all the forsaken guys? Do it, I could not care less honestly. I won't be the one reviving this again, I already did my part and archived what I wanted, now I will lay back and see how everything turns out
Originally Posted by Oxide View Post
You want to? Go ahead, I'm not stopping you from your narcissistic indulgences
I never said anything about not being able to do it when the clan is active and going, I say it in accession to being inactive. You don't see members of almost dead clans going around "hey im in this clan worship me".

"Be happy of having friends and loyalty" Never said that was the case.

"Everything comes to death one day"
Yeah it does, you know what saves it? Modern medicine. That is, activity, if we take it to the context of clans.

Originally Posted by victortb View Post
And what is the cure to death? There isnt any way to be immortal,not everyone will get active until it own person death,they can get tired of the clan,people,or even toribash itself.
[/B]Legacy. That's the cure. You keep reproducing and passing down, you never die till the end of humanity, which would be the end of toribash in clan context.[/B]
You shouldnt be happy of being inactive,but if you helped the clan to grow,get big etc. You can be happy of being totally useful,wich take much time:
I nnneeevvveeerrrr said anything against being proud about the work you did, go ahead with that, what I'm saying is that inactive members (I'm looking at you, thurnax) don't deserve to gloat about being in an official clan.
Most people get active for years,and years at the same thing gets boring,it will induce it to leave and search new things,but he still has mark on what he did before.
If related, please point out.

The thing is: if you want to help,get active until you can't anymore.
That's exactly what our members aren't doing, and that's also the reason why you wouldn't want to show off about the clan considering its activity levels

And dont call me narcisisst,i'm not you.
your narcissistic indulgences
obviously since I AM the one who is advocating the reason to tell people and act in a condescending way towards them because of official status.
obviously i am the one doing that and you are the one who is against boasting.

Legacy. That's the cure. You keep reproducing and passing down, you never die till the end of humanity, which would be the end of toribash in clan context.
The thing is: YOU DIE.
other people that come from you are other people(having you genetics,however it's another person).

what I'm saying is that inactive members (I'm looking at you, thurnax) don't deserve to gloat about being in an official clan.
Now you brightened things up.
but still,old useful people deserve credits for what he does.

What is the definition of Indulgences?
Also,hasnt thurnax posted this on Inactivity Thread:
Originally Posted by thurnax View Post
Hey guys, so.. i'm going to be inactive for a little while i think.

I got some stuff happening, also i'm getting back into fitness (Boxing and such) to get some things out of my life. Also school is starting up again on Monday so.. yeah.

This is really bad to be going inactive after just being given a chance in this clan and i'm very sorry..


Originally Posted by Oxide View Post
that's like getting into an inactive and close to death clan
but still bragging its official


Actually alphan00b bragged about getting in ormo due to its difficult: it's an skill based org. For each rejection you must wait 1 month betwen apps.
They're elitists af. seeing one of the smallest problems lead you to a no.
Last edited by victortb; Oct 10, 2016 at 08:49 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Removing Mau from my ally list, please remove me from your ally list as well if you even added my clan, and the real reason i allied was because of Victortb, oxide and Gruszex, and i thought Onsola was more of a friend but it seems other wise, oh and i'll keep you as an ally Victortb.
Last edited by BigDog; Oct 11, 2016 at 03:22 AM.
i'm gonna ask you
i'm Draigoon12 question is, can i rejoin the clan?
if i can't i know why. I won't cry and i'll accept it