poope you shouldve just apped on your main and multiclanning is no good!!

its a meh app but im neutral
Twin Moderated Message:
my 2 mains are banned and my alts where only in a few clans because they where all dying so i never had people to play with all the time
Last edited by TurtleBug; Jun 30, 2017 at 05:36 PM. Reason: im retard
no @deadtrigger
also will pass on turtle we dont really need many more applicants unless they are stellar
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert
Hello, My name is Robert but you can call me robo if you like. I am 12 turning 13 this month. I have been playing this game probably since 2011-2012 is when i made my first account (This is not my first account). I took a break from this game for a while so i need some time to get back to where i was skill-wise. I do have skype if that is necessary to joining.

I am a black belt i might be able to hit second dan today(my qi is 1922). I mainly play aikido and abd but i do occasionally play some other mods. I mainly play online so i'm not on single player a lot so I mainly have multiplayer replays but i can send some that are singleplayer replay wise. I don't save most matches that i have that are wins nor losses so they will be old replays. I mainly do a heavily lifting focused style for aikido but i can start with a kick opener.

I mainly play toribash just for the reason that there is really no other game like it.

I was born in Oklahoma but i have moved a decent bit since then to New Mexico is where I live now but I am currently visiting my sister who is in Montana so i am in a motel(if you are wondering about my race I am a native american).

My previous clans are very old ones which neither are still even on the clan list But they include i think my first one was called (demon) not in parentheses demonic then i was in a clan called youtube or something like that then the other two which are no more are monk and the aogiri tree i don't know what happened with demon and youtube and why i left or was kicked but i can tell the story of the other two for monk the main reason i joined was because i had a friend by the name of rcrichman who was in monk and i got kicked because i had to move so i was inactive for a while which i told the leader i would be then the reason about aogiri was because i just got bored of toribash and stopped playing but i never got a message of getting kicked or anything of the kind so they probably merged with another clan or something of the sort.

The reason i want to join Nitro is because you are a very prestigious clan with people who really don't care and are chill in my eyes from what i have seen I am a loyal person and I don't just go clanhopping from one to the next if i get denied i probably won't even try out for another clan i'll probably wait and retry for this clan.

I have one alt that i barely use which is just a lower belt because I didn't remember my pass but i had it saved on google so i just changed it but the alt is named iiSkyh because I think I have iSkyh as another alt that I don't remember the pass for.

Anyways onto my replays i threw in a little madman which isnt very good.

day is better than zack at toribash
Last edited by RoBoMohawk; Jul 5, 2017 at 10:13 PM.
ahem you did not read the fist page my homie unfortunately we have to deny on account of you did not add the day is better then zack at toribash or the nitro emblem on the bottom on page those who don't take the time to follow a simple rule are denied my dude but i am gonna act like my eyes are not working and the next time i get on those things will be there. because if they are not you are deny'ed my homie.
Quote: Melon Please change your signature to anything else.
Hi. I'm PelaDrome. I'm a Sparrer and Parkour-er. I played this game 2 years ago but then I stopped, and now I'm back. I can play competitively too. Today I decapitated someone by ripping their arm off in Aikido. If that's not good enough, I guess I can show you some of the spars and parkour I did. Before I left I was in a clan called Shikira, which disappeared. Yeah, sometimes I get angry but, I mean, don't we all? Since I came back, I didn't even offend someone. My GMT is GBT. I don't know what else to write. I think this is long enough. Anyway, have a good day and I'll see you soon? Maybe anyway. (Credit to Grammarly for correcting the Lowercase letters that were meant to be capitals).
you didn't read the first post either @peladrome
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert