Lolol bojan
you made my guy look like some evilpink fag alien from the power rangers xd

i guess you spare your time and leave it as it is
The [Urban] Walking Dead [Unit]

Shit, then, back to the drawing board if u don't like it! :P
What do u think about monster made from lava/magma, then? Maybe more Armour type of the body?
Or u are into demons (just looking your avvy..)?
Hey kiddies, you might want to dl and lp me, my new permanent set.

Last edited by Numbers; Feb 23, 2011 at 05:19 AM.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
Probably should make a final cut of my head soon also. :P.. Hence my siggy is nothing alike my set anymore.
Originally Posted by Jaqon View Post
you made my guy look like some evilpink fag alien from the power rangers xd

i guess you spare your time and leave it as it is

evilpink fag alien from the power rangers

yup there was a time i had to watch this too...
Last edited by snake; Feb 23, 2011 at 08:20 PM.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
ohey, got a ps3. my psn is AsianKick
felt you guys should know

This'll be post 999 here.
In other news, I've always had a great amount of respect for Urban.

Thats it.
Gamemaster -- Need help? Click here!
I'm like... supposed to advocate for Team Aikido or something. Click that link if you're great at aikido.
you just, run around, stealing 999# posts?

eni wai

Last edited by majicpooky; Mar 1, 2011 at 08:15 PM. Reason: spelling