yeah, continue that discussion on msn or something if you have to.

the poll has been up for a while in the private forum, and 5 of us has voted...

wheras 3 voted trial, 1 voted in and 1 voted out.

that means that you are accepted into the clan for a trial week, rhyz.

this means you can wear the tag and post in forums for one week... then we will decide again if you will join the clan or not.
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
Seems I missed a lot in my absence.

Just because I can I'll say this: The reason crazylars didn't bring up the furfag issue, is because I did, we were chatting on MSN at the time of posting everything.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
Originally Posted by Brubert View Post
Seems I missed a lot in my absence.

Just because I can I'll say this.

Why are you so special?
Originally Posted by rhyz View Post
Why are you so special?

Are you saying Brubert claimed to be special or can you see his very awesome aura of specialness through his comments?
I has mad finger skills!
Property of [Discount_Death] 2nd Black
The Old one seeks an argument to fufill a base need, come and let us speak of the land, kings and those considered to be visting the eternaly rested. For if it were a battle of romance you seek, prithee nuncle and set a burdend foot in my domain. I shall clean the grounds and have a feast of argument laid out for all those who wish to gourge.
Originally Posted by rhyz View Post
Why are you so special?

It would seem his aura of specialness and his words of awesome has caught your eyes.
Originally Posted by crazylars View Post
It would seem his aura of specialness and his words of awesome has caught your eyes.

Not really at all no. I just dont see why loje tells all of us to stop the conversation and brubert keeps on going.