MYI, i dont know what to say.. yes or no, becoz i think leader and co-leader deserve to be mod but this is my opinion..
maybe somebody else will say something different about this
Man this pissed me off... I almost won my first tourney[jousting] but I lost in the finals against a brown belt.....
Bah I was 344 points behind him!
Crap I wanted to put DIAF to the top xD

*goes to eat chips while crying*
---Posting this to let you know-----
I have a serious question for this very serious thread....
If I join, lets say EFP, can I then later if I feel like it, join FD instead? Or can I only join one and not change?
you can change anytime you want as much times u want
i wont think that ure a weirdo just cuz u keep changing
Proud Member Of Prototype. Doing my best to make it the...Wait it already is. :]
Well as much as possible try not to. The leaders of the houses will be confused on which either house you are on. In short the leaders might be confused.