Endurance Onslaught 6.0
The Official [Addicted] Entrance Exam sent to Note.

You have 24h.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Hello, [Addicted].

As you may know this is going to be my second time applying here. I am trying a second time because I am still interested in joining this clan. I have tried a few others, le, Monk, and Liquor but none of them really kept me there(If that makes sense). Right now, the community is making me rather salty most of the players here really know how to push my buttons and with that being said I am known to rage. Not as much as I used to but still a lot. I feel, when people apply they only give you the good stuff to make them look as good as possible. I want to be honest so telling you the negative side may help you better understand who I am as a person. I'll ever worship bust if I need too. As of right now, I have really only gotten to talk to one person and that is Icky. I really look forward to talking with the rest of you guys soon. Now, for the good side. I find my self to be rather skilled in all mods except abd. I still have yet to successfully counter a lift every time Thus making me mad because I suck. I am very forum active here, I try to post quite often everyday. Right now, I am posting in the crooks forum and posted about 20 times today. I can also go on irc but every time I go to addicted irc I get ban hammered by bust. I won't let that stop me though bust can ban me but I will still fight, I will fight to be apart of this wonderful clan they call addicted!!!

The end.

Cheesy I know but get over it scrubs
Noob, I'm sorry to inform you but your application has been de-... ah fuck it.

11:49:56 <@bust> tell him bust says fuck off

Originally Posted by JtanK View Post
That guy is xec. He's never getting in.

Originally Posted by Note View Post
(I probably messed up some capitalization in the title, oh well)

Hey Addicted, and all of you cool people with/without green hats. Never was a fan of those, to be perfectly honest. I'd like to apply to your clan because not only does it have a really cool history (I know that because it's five years old) but it also has some bomb ass players. This won't be an essay. I'm lazy, guys.

Hopefully I'm allowed to curse, because I'm going to anyway.

To start off a bit 'bout me, name's Shayde. Nice to meet you. I'm about 15 years out of the womb, give or take a few months. Really into history, music, and also at present random trivia. Trivia is super cool, and I'm probably a nerd for even including that in a clan app.

In terms of Toribash, kind of skimmed the surface at first in 2011, and played it rarely until 2012. At that point, I made my first account (Shaderade) and was essentially a silly twelve year old. Got to blue belt, made a new account then because I had a small break in there. Anywho, I played almost daily since this account was made, and made a good few friends. Toribash is a great game and all, but the reason we all stay is because of the connection we make with other like-minded individuals.

In June of 2014, computer's motherboard took a shit and I couldn't get my hands on a new computer until just a few weeks ago. Met with some cool friends, joined (Le), and then got kicked for being inactive a whole entire weekend.

I'll be honest, had a few infractions. Not recently, most are almost a year old, but they've been done and they happened. Honestly, it was probably because I was an edgy and hormonal 13-or-14 year old. Dummy.

I apply to Addicted because I see it as a place that I could stay in for years, and wear the tag as more than a badge of just honor. A badge of community, and of a player that's had his time playing Toribash improved by the people around him.

That was gushy.

Any questions, I'm on daily and check threads I should be checking.

Disclaimer: I'm a minor, and not sending anybody nudes.

Pimp Jesus Tax (Large Image)

Dear Note, upon further discussion we, Addicted, have decided to accept you as a trial member. So please be active AND NOT SHIT! KTHXBYE
Note congratulations, nobody bothered to check your test for correctness because that'd be ground for failing, therefore with the decision of flxy, the SheiuADLhenkj319y!#@)!#@IJADON djpoaJ@I$jpo14!$$$14;l,ASmk[, of [Addicted], you're in for trial period.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Well shit, guys. I plan on not getting banned (outside of IRC), so hopefully that's good enough for you.
goodbye cruel world
Originally Posted by JtanK View Post
Note congratulations, nobody bothered to check your test for correctness because that'd be ground for failing, therefore with the decision of flxy, the SheiuADLhenkj319y!#@)!#@IJADON djpoaJ@I$jpo14!$$$14;l,ASmk[, of [Addicted], you're in for trial period.

I did. Wizard is not from sweden, he is from Ilha das Flores / Santa Cruz das Flores. Somehow he managed to make an antenna out of bamboo to get into the web
Also, was that a guess on the 666 color code? Pretty good since noone knows that Jtank is into some goat killing sect in his real life.
Important for me is math, too, and as far as I saw everything was correct

I applied but then I changed my mind </3
Last edited by Viddah; Apr 2, 2015 at 09:28 PM.

PM me if you need anything
Originally Posted by Viddah View Post

I applied but then I changed my mind </3

Wise decision.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos