Originally Posted by Trestet View Post
@eReckt, posted for Discussion

Thank you very much, kind sir!
<Universe> Memeless | <Kirito>#BigDickKirito |
<FreshKek> What's a girl? |
@Deviljho22, sadly my man you have been denied. I look forward however to seeing you apply again.
@eReckt, accepted.
@jacklox2, denied.
Last edited by hanna; May 7, 2017 at 12:52 AM.
Hello AS

My real name is muhanad i live in norway gmt:gmt+1 and a little bout my life

i started playing toribash on 2012 and at 2014 my computer broke and i couldnt play for 2 yrs then i got a new pc and started again i've been in (Chill) (Ronin) and i would like to join this clan. hope u like my app ^_^
Hey hey hey heres my application finally :v

So ill start ingame

Ingame my name is Sunther
i am a Brown belt, and sadly i am not very active ingame
you will see ingame in either an aikido tourney or in a betting server i made or i got ownership of because i bet too much, My favorite mods are ABD and Boxshu or any random mods that noone plays because i am somehow very good at those
Now in forums,I am on forums everyday and i market alot or just spend lotsa tc on art that i like its either that or me shitposting in Wibbles

Now IRL my nickname is "Jj" or just "J" it a really stupid name but it came from the first letters of my first and second name.
i am 16 years old gonna turn 17 in October 1 i am a generally stupid and energetic person who likes to make people laugh, basically ingame me and real life me is the same but im more annoying in real life since i try to befriend every person i think i can be friends with

Well thats my Half Assed application on every clan i basically want to apply to
i hope i get in :v


@Xtermix2, sorry but that application is too short, therefore you are denied as of now.
@Sunther, posted for discussion

@Legendexpe, as of now you are denied sadly ;(. You are free to try again in the near future
@Sunther, welcome aboard my man!
Last edited by Trestet; May 7, 2017 at 01:27 PM.

aw . its the second time but still got denied. and worst of all, there are only 10 spaces left and i dont even think its possible to even get a place in AS. Even if i make a app, its not gonna count because the clan would have been already full. Also, i added replays for you to see how good i am especialy in ABD. guess you didnt look at em :|
Last edited by Vertex; May 7, 2017 at 01:58 PM.
Name: Real
Belt: 2nd Dan
GMT: +2
Country: Germany
Previous Clans: Obey,Aether because i clanwar for them ;3
Fav. Mods: aikidobigdojo.tbm , judofrac.tbm

I want to join because i like you and i want to play with you.
And i look forward to fight in war with you.
Sometimes i like to make art a bit. But only sometimes.
I am not best in applications but i hope you will say yes and i hope you will like me.
Thank you for reading my application. <3

here a replay ;3
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Last edited by Real; May 7, 2017 at 04:42 PM.