There any Chad Bryan mains here who can consistently do taunt jet uppers though, I have a friend who mains Bryan and he landed one on me once.


Originally Posted by phish View Post
i wasted a lot of my time on perfecting pewgf because the dopamine it provided me was too great and i just had to do it again, currently i've done it in practice at the very least 30 recorded times and i've done it 3 times online and once against tabby

because i spent so much time practicing pewgf i never learned how to do much else with kazuya, i can 3 ewgf b2,1 big boy staple with him often but thats on the off time that a ewgf connects. i cant really perform well in the neutral or at poking because i am 100% aggression and don't really learn block punishes unless i figured it out myself while playing

I'm the opposite. I have average execution, but I excel in punishment and neutral in the midrange. I like baiting out whiffs with Marduk so I can do an unga bunga 90+ damage combo.

Originally Posted by Sunther View Post
There any Chad Bryan mains here who can consistently do taunt jet uppers though, I have a friend who mains Bryan and he landed one on me once.

My pp too small for me to try Bryan

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Originally Posted by Nitrate View Post
Picked up Kazuya for the first time against a friend who uses Mishimas for a living

It surprised me at how effective Kazuya is for learning fundamentals like mix-ups and 50-50s. I can't do PEWGFs yet, but I managed to win a set knowing only like 10 moves from his arsenal.

i had a similar experience with Jin, i learned most of the game's fundamentals with him by playing mostly neutral
i also didnt have to bother too much with Mishima's techniques since he is not as dependent on it as other Mishimas, and also he helps a lot to improve mechanically since most of his combos demands precise timing and cancels
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furthest ive been with armor king is savior - overlord when i did a quick rank rush on an alt but rn i don't play ranked so im probably at about mid - high yellow level so i'd say my fundamentals are ok

back when i was that rank i was always scared of punishing with DU because i was a massive pussy and wasn't confident in my execution but now i don't give a shit and party hard so im landing DU pretty much every time i throw it lol

i'd be a lot better if i wouldn't party so much, but i found that caring so much about my gameplay made me rather upset at the game because ak is so difficult in the neutral
Originally Posted by Nitrate View Post
It surprised me at how effective Kazuya is for learning fundamentals like mix-ups and 50-50s. I can't do PEWGFs yet, but I managed to win a set knowing only like 10 moves from his arsenal.

honestly 10 moves is all you need, the difficulty for kazuya isn't knowing his moves its knowing how to apply them

using him is easy but using him well is the hard part
Last edited by tabby; Jan 24, 2021 at 10:14 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by tabby View Post
furthest ive been with armor king is savior - overlord when i did a quick rank rush on an alt but rn i don't play ranked so im probably at about mid - high yellow level so i'd say my fundamentals are ok

back when i was that rank i was always scared of punishing with DU because i was a massive pussy and wasn't confident in my execution but now i don't give a shit and party hard so im landing DU pretty much every time i throw it lol

i'd be a lot better if i wouldn't party so much, but i found that caring so much about my gameplay made me rather upset at the game because ak is so difficult in the neutral

honestly 10 moves is all you need, the difficulty for kazuya isn't knowing his moves its knowing how to apply them

using him is easy but using him well is the hard part

do you hit anyone else with du or is it just me lmao
90% of the du you throw connect because im coincidentally pressing *anything* at the same time and get hit by it for a 60+ damage combo
if i manage to block it its -10 but i never punish it because i'd have to do the jab punish before du connects because input delay cool

kazuya is a very difficult character to use, you can say "just 50/50 lol" but as soon as kazuya gets blocked there is 0 way to get momentum back except for resetting the neutral or hellsweeping the momentum away from the opponent

i desperately need to find another character to play that suits my playstyle besides kazumi because tabby doesn't enjoy
also i need to work on my fundamentals, i can barely backdash and sidestepping? never done before. basic punishment not me. spacing and distance control? lol
the only thing im good at is wasting my time with pewgf and spamming ewgf
Use Devil Jin and spam your panic moves alongside your electrics lol

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I mean kazuya is exactly just a 50/50 machine. Sure he is difficult when it comes to hands, but he is certainly one of the easiest characters in the game when it comes to the head.
Jin/DVJ are better characters to practice fundamentals with if you still want to spam ewgf. But DVJ still has that get out of any situation noobkiller u4 and his 50/50 card.
BUT if you are not planning on becoming a high level tournament player, just play whoever. Its way too common for non competitive players to worry about their fundamentals and burn themselves out with the game, when they dont even plan on competing.

Edit: In this context fundamentals dont mean just learning the basics of backdashing, sidestepping or poking. But really focusing on, and perfecting them for hundreds and thousands of hours.
Last edited by cowmeat; Jan 25, 2021 at 05:09 AM.
Originally Posted by phish View Post
do you hit anyone else with du or is it just me lmao
90% of the du you throw connect because im coincidentally pressing *anything* at the same time and get hit by it for a 60+ damage combo
if i manage to block it its -10 but i never punish it because i'd have to do the jab punish before du connects because input delay cool

press buttons less and i will do it less

Originally Posted by cowmeat View Post
I mean kazuya is exactly just a 50/50 machine. Sure he is difficult when it comes to hands, but he is certainly one of the easiest characters in the game when it comes to the head.

you really think so? i've had the exact opposite experience with kazuya. i've found most of his moves super easy to do (you have ample time to do cd inputs when required) and ive found a majority of his combos relatively simple to do. i've always found the difficulty in kazuya in applying and understanding the moves, not doing them. kazuya's character becomes real gameplay and real mindgames far before any other character if we talk about natural progression because he has so little else to rely on

i mean sure, when you look at him like a green rank you really can just spam 2 moves and get away with that, but i think he's much deeper than that and requires a lot of understanding to play well
Its actually the exact opposite, hes very difficult at lower levels of play when your defence isnt that good. Kazuya doesnt have that many good universal tools to stop aggression.
DF2 is risky, df4 is highly - on block and m4 has abysmal range.
Once you have solid defence the gameplay just becomes enforcing your 50/50 and keepout at range with ewgf.
Kazuya really just gets simpler and simpler the higher levels you get to.
That isnt to say he is ever an easy character, but he really doesn't have to think that much in offence.
Most of his difficulty is in hands.
Mix up your 50/50 and ewgf timings with wavedash and enforce frames with 11.
Last edited by cowmeat; Jan 25, 2021 at 11:23 AM.
not a single rematch has actually worked today, every single time someone has accepted they leave a few seconds into the loading screen. is this a bug or a new way of saying fuck you to someone you lose to?