Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Someone calculated that you have a higher chance getting cancer than meeting another player in this game.
"No mortal arse can quench my thirst."
Well 1 in 2 people in my country are, so I guess that's pretty high.

Regardless, people have already been on the same planet at the same time. You can just use the scanner and look for other people and head the same way. It's not that hard to find others.
Originally Posted by wibblefox View Post
From what I've seen so far multiplayer either isn't yet in the game, isn't working, or simply isn't a feature.

Devs are giving out some conflicting stories and no players have yet to be able to see each other even if they are in the same place.

Sounds like they are backing out on some of their other sales points, or are moving them to "later releases".

Hopefully this is fixed.

what I'm proposing, is that the Multiplayer effect is not implemented yet. two players have found each other, are on the same planet, but can not see eachother. matched their coordinates precisely. they contacted eachother when one found the other's planet, and messaged him.(I know you already knew this, just adding some backstory )

I'm guessing this is singleplayer, with the traits of updating planets in the game and showing who has discovered them. regardless, I am enjoying this greatly.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Yup, it looks like they just haven't done it yet, and from the dev replies it looks like they thought no one would find out lol!
I've heard a few criticisms so far but also lots of good. Can anyone who has the game comment on these?

- Planets are different in terms of life and makeup and stuff but after seeing a few they start to get repetitive and unoriginal. Bound to happen when you make everything from the same bag of lego bricks. They push the aspect of how many planets there are pretty hard but 2^64 planets doesn't mean shit if they're similar enough to start looking the same bar a color palette change. Heard the game described as being "broad as an ocean but deep as a puddle".

- Game loop is repetitive and gets boring fast. That is, constantly having to get resources and stuff for your suit, multitool, ship. You can't just explore because these things have to always be considered and slow you down/hold you back.

- Nothing happens. Heard there isn't much story. Alien AI races don't do anything, don't interact with eachother. No wow moments.

I'll reserve my final judgement for a few days while people get into it more and I can hear how it plays on PC but if someone can comment on those things above I'd be really interested to get your views.
What you said is true as far as I have seen on streams but then again some of the most played games are like that (minecraft, wow, dota, etc). So whether or not you find it fun is up to you. In ED for example tons of people spend months at a time exploring. In ED the only interesting thing you can find are black holes, and exploring means jumping to a system, honking your horn, then jumping to the next one. Some people love it.

I haven't heard of anything happening though.

I'm interested in the same points plus "will multiplayer ever be added"
Well the game looks good with/without multiplayer because its all about chill exploring
and getting upgrades and stuff. there is still few exploits here and there that reddit found, and there is obviously still bugs but all in all the game looks good.
It really depends on your point of view.

I like wandering around just to see something new, but Jim Sterling's review hit me hard.
I'm really on the fence about this right now.
I'm enjoying the game so far. For me, the concept of the game really appeals to me. The game sparks curiosity for me as well; I'm still trying to discover all the features the game has to offer, along with the exploration and open world (exploring different planets) survival. I'd recommend these to people who are into "open-world-exploration-survival" genre.

EDIT: I haven't experienced any kind of bugs or glitches in the game so far as well
master of the universe
Is the game worth the $60?
It seems to lack content and be really repetitive

Need help? PM me!
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